This exercise is intended to target the hip abductors, specifically the gluteus medius muscle. This exercise can be progressed by adding a theraband around your lower thighs or lifting your heel at the end of the motion. This exercise is typically performed in a supine ( Figure 1) or side lying position (Figure 2). You can add resistance to your standard clamshell exercise by using an elastic exercise band (I.e. Strengthening exercises need to be challenging and cause some level of fatigue by the end of the workout. By the end of this read, you should now know how to properly perform the clamshell exercise and avoid common mistakes. It is great way to "wake-up" your hips during your warm-up routine. Longer exhalations slow the heart rate and calm down the nervous system. Progression: Use exercise band. Keep your feet together and slowly raise your upper knee so that your knees move apart like a ‘clamshell’. Strength Ambassadors 8,939 views. Tangelo ... Wall Clamshell Isotonic - Duration: 0:41. Ask one of us to check it out, we might even be able to make it harder . In supine, the client flexes the hips/knees in order to place the feet flat on the mat. This is because it is widely used and extremely beneficial for a number of physiotherapy treatment protocols. Make sure you keep a 90-degree bend in the knees, with the knees stacked above the ankles. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Keeping arms pressed against wall, slide arms up until slightly bent (as shown). Additionally, the clamshell has been shown to preferentially … The gluteus medius of the standing leg will fire to stabilize the pelvis. These are typically colour coded, with darker colours offering more resistance. The movement involved with this exercise is simple. The pose is also excellent stretching move for your hamstrings, which can get shortened by sitting too much and eventually cause you lower back pain. You will want to more precisely target the gluteus medius by adding external rotation during the abduction movement. Set up in your standard clamshell position but place your back and bum against a wall. Please note a change in our regular hours for this upcoming long weekend, ADDRESS:206-18332 Lessard RoadEdmonton, AB, T6M 2W8, BOOKING HOURS:Monday to Friday: 7:00am-7:30pmSaturday, Sunday & Holidays: Closed. Stand with your back against the wall and feet hip-width distance apart. Some of our patients find it helpful to lie with your back against a couch. 0:41. Roll forward slightly so that your belly button approaches the ground. EMG studies have found good activation of both the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus muscles during the clamshell. Start lying on the floor on one side with your legs bent at around 90 degrees at the knees. Keep your belly engaged and your torso upright. An everyday implication for this muscle is to provide stability and motor control to the pelvic girdle when going up and downstairs. You should always consult in person with a medical practitioner first before starting a treatment. Lying with your legs up against the wall will increase your blood flow and circulation, which is crucial for those who sit all day long. theraband). As always, consult with your physiotherapist to make sure this exercise is right for you and help guide you through your recovery or performance goals. Clamshell Strengthening Option 1 . Keep feet together and raise top leg towards ceiling. Try 10 repetitions in a row, switch sides, then repeat. Blogs about health and wellness from the perspective of a physiotherapist Learn how your comment data is processed. Still with me? Here's a quick anatomy lesson: The gluteus medius is the main abductor (movement away from the midline of the body) and external rotator of the hip. These views and ideas belong to the author and do not necessarily represent the views and ideas of his employer or any other organization he is affiliated with. Up Slow/Down Slow. Do it for: 3 sets, or until “failure” (meaning you can’t complete another rep). Here are a couple ways you can make the standard clamshell exercise ore difficult. • stop exercise if there is any sharp pain in joints or muscles. You may have heard one of our Exercise Therapists say that once or twice. Functionally, the gluteus medius helps stabilize the pelvis when standing on one leg. The clamshell exercise not only keeps the hips moving, it strengthens both the gluteus medius AND gluteus maximus. Gluteus Medius is responsible for abduction and external rotation movements of the hip. If your hips aren’t moving, something else must absorb the force…. Movement should be slow and controlled throughout. Make sure your heels, hips and shoulders form a straight line. Keep both legs stacked and knees bent to ninety degrees. Remember to focus on form and precision before progressing to more challenging exercise variants. The gluteus minimus serves as the primary internal rotator (toes in) of the hip joint. Wall Bug & Dead Bug Progression - Kinetic U Exercise Series - Duration: 3:19. It is not recommended to self diagnose using information found on the internet. Difficulty rating: 2 Effectiveness rating: 8. Lying on a firm surface, with your knees & feet together and bent. Strong stomach muscles improve balance for better posture and greater stability. Physiotherapists Liz Frey and Sarah Symmes show us how to do a clamshell exercise which helps target the glute and hamstring muscles. Be sure to control the leg on the way down as well and not depend on the recoil of the band. This will ensure you are using gluteus medius and not rotating through your back. Next, raise your knee up towards the ceiling without rolling back and keeping your top bum cheek from touching the wall. The primary muscle used and strengthened by doing the clamshell exercise is the Gluteus Medius. This exercise is intended to target the hip abductors, specifically the gluteus medius muscle. Did you know that if you rotate the hips you lose engagement of the muscles we’re trying to strengthen? A well-rounded fitness program includes stomach exercises, according to the Mayo Clinic, to prevent injuries and lower-back pain. Modified clamshell exercise (CLAM) 1; the back is in contact with the wall and the feet are pushed at about 10% of the maximal contraction against the wall - "Effect of Modified Clamshell Exercise on Gluteus Medius, Quadratus Lumborum and Anterior Hip Flexor in … Raise the straightened top leg up towards the ceiling in an abduction movement. Latex free options are also available in there are allergy concerns. In this variation you will straighten the top leg instead of bending the knee to ninety degrees. EMG studies have found good activation of both the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus muscles during the clamshell. Clamshells are one of the most prescribed exercises for individuals with knee pain. Clamshell helps us to develop these muscles with nominal risk of injury. Our focus is your wellbeing. We strive to combine our experience and expertise with the latest research and treatment techniques in a positive and healing environment. This one-legged version takes traditional wall squats to the next level and works quads and glutes, Holland says. Squat with back to wall, right thigh parallel to floor, left ankle on right knee, arms against wall like a goalpost. Lift one knee off of the other knee and hold the elevated knee in the raised position for three to five seconds. Lift one knee off of the other knee and hold the elevated knee in the raised position for three to five seconds. It’s not designed to bend all the time, it’s meant for stability and support. Option 2 . Stomach Exercises Against a Wall. However, it’s also one of the exercises that most people do incorrectly. The ideal placement for the loop is just above your knees. 2. A 5 Step Clamshell Progression | Modern Manual Therapy Blog - Manual Therapy, Videos, Neurodynamics, Podcasts, Research Reviews Clamshell exercises can help to balance the muscular effort between your inner and outer thighs and your pelvic floor. Information found on are not intended to replace medical advice. The clamshell exercise can be used to correct a Trendelenburg gait, which is when one hip drops as you take a step when walking. GLUTEUS WHAT? This is a smaller and lesser-known muscle compared to the Gluteus Maximus muscle. Here are 7 basic aquatic exercises that focus on the abdomen and lower body. Because the gluteus medius is the strongest lateral stabilizer of the lower extremity, it is the best muscle to control side to side movements. Roll forward so that your top cheek is off the wall but the bottom one is still touching. Roll forward so that your top cheek is off the wall but the bottom one is still touching. Fig. This wall exercise will work your shoulders, upper back, thighs, buttocks and abs. Hip mobility only declines as we age. On Track Physiotherapy 459 views. Lie on your side feet and knees together, knees bent. The straight leg will act as a longer lever and require more muscle power. In PRI’s world we would use an exercise similar to this to help shift an athlete in the transverse plane into the opposite hip. If your hips aren’t moving, something else must absorb the force… The clamshell exercise not only keeps the hips moving, it strengthens both the gluteus medius AND gluteus maximus. … Information found on is intended for the sole purpose of sharing the views and ideas of the author. We treat a wide variety of problems caused by injury, aging, disability and other medical conditions. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Why: Most adults spend more than 7 hours per day sitting which causes glutes to weaken and hip flexors to tighten. You can proceed to perform the clamshell against the band resistance. As stated, “clam shells” challenge the hip external rotators. against resistance while maintaining a stable core. Hold the top knee at the highest point you can achieve for 2 to 3 seconds before lowering back down. You are aiming to raise your knee just higher than your upper hip and then slowly return to the start position. If you have any swelling in your feet, ankles, or calves this pose will get rid of it almost instantly. In order to facilitate this kind of hip strategy, we would prefer it to be a closed chain exercise, so we would keep their feet flat against the wall. Lying on a bed on your side, keep the heels together and the hips stable. Stand with left side next to the pool wall. 3. If your hips rotate or move, try lessening the range of motion. The gluteus minimus helps with abduction and medial (inward) rotation of the thigh at the hip. This can be achieved by rotating your leg so that your toes are pointed up towards the ceiling. There is no warm-up needed for this pose. […], […] Clamshell Exercise: How To, Benefits, Variations […]. Aside from gait correction, the clamshell is often prescribed for a multitude of injuries including: It is almost too easy to cheat when doing clamshells. This is extremely important for sports that involve running and jumping from one leg. clamshell exercise progressions, how to do a clamshell, glut exercises, Strive Physiotherapy and Performance, Modern Manual Therapy Top 5 Fridays! Sit in a chair with feet and knees together. Technique Tuesday: Bum Blaster! clamshell exercise. Keeping your back on the wall, slide down into a squat position. A study from the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy shows that: “…gluteus medius activation was greatest when the hip was flexed to 60°”. Keep feet together, spread knees apart from midline. Raise the top knee up while keeping your ankles together and your trunk rolled forward. Please enjoy this website at your own free will. You will avoid injuries by improving hip mobility on a stable core, as well as encouraging proper lower extremity alignment during functional tasks. Standing clam against wall - glute med activation - Duration: 1:29. Remember that the further your feet are from the wall, the harder the exercise will be. The Clamshell Exercise. Bend your elbows and place your hands behind your head. Make sure that your back does not rock backward with the motion. In this article, we will cover how to properly do the clamshell exercise, along with its benefits and progressions. Try this modification of the traditional clamshell exercise!! This exercise is best done in the morning and evening on an empty stomach. Another way to challenge your clamshell exercise is with a sidelying hip abduction exercise. Creating balance in the leg and hip muscles helps to prevent overuse and injury. There are many reasons why people may need to do the clamshell exercise as part of their physiotherapy workout routine. Repeat this movement. Inhale and exhale deeply. For best results, try to calm your mind with regulated breaths. Best Butt Exercise #8: Clamshells How To Do The Move. Set up in your standard clamshell position but place your back and bum against a wall. Press the foot of the stance leg into the floor while driving the bent leg into the wall. If you’re coming to see us for a knee, hip or low back injury one of the most common exercises we prescribe is the clamshell. Proper clamshell exercise for the piriformis and deep six hip rotators - Duration: 4:50. This would become quite obvious when someone is having difficulty with the eccentric step down exercise. Clamshells are one of the most prescribed exercises for individuals with knee pain. You will need to be mindful of the varying band tensions and select the resistance level that is right for you. Here is a bonus tip or pearl of wisdom to help you perfect your form while doing the clamshell. Next, raise your knee up towards the ceiling without rolling back and keeping your top bum cheek from touching the wall. Standing parallel to a wall, flex the hip closest to the wall to 90 degrees, with the knee bent. Now, let’s learn how to do the clamshell properly…. How to do it: Stand with your back flat against the wall in a squat position, knees bent at 90 degrees, feet hip-width apart (hands on hips or out to the sides against the wall for a greater challenge). Hold 3 seconds and return to start position. Exercise: Clamshell External Hip Rotations Muscles worked: Glutes Jolie Recommends: 20 reps per side, add a resistance band to work the glutes further once well-practiced. Progression: Use exercise band. Lift the top leg 3 – 4 inches while maintaining that contact of the ankles and ensuring that the HIPS ARE NOT ROTATING. Lateral Leg Lifts. Start by lying on your side with the target hip up. Hawkstone Physical Therapy is dedicated to providing quality rehabilitation to those in our community. (Article Source) How to Do a Basic Clamshell Exercise with Proper Form: 1) Lie on your side, with legs stacked and knees bent at a 45-degree angle. These exercises do not require any equipment. Hip Clamshell Exercise in Hip Flexion EMG studies have shown that the clamshell produces a good amount of gluteus medius and gluteus maximus activity, especially if technique is excellent. Rolling your trunk or back while your hip is moving. Cut and tie the elastic band so that it can be wrapped around your legs. Exercise minimalists, rejoice: You can do this five-exercise circuit with a flat, bare wall and about three feet of floor space. Walk your feet out about a foot and a half. (clamshell with wall push) December 11, 2018. While keeping your back and pelvis stable and your heels together, lift your knee upward and hold this position. When performing the clamshell exercise avoid: You should also make sure you are raising your knee as high as you can go. If you add resistance to the clamshell, 10-plus reps can leave your glutes burning. If you try to maximize this by going for burnout (doing as many reps as you can) or doing multiple sets, you’ll set the stage for defining that muscle group. Great! A novice can easily perform Aquatic Up Against the Wall Exercises. The gluteus maximus extends the hip and assists with abduction and external rotation (toes out) of the leg. View all posts by myphysiosays, […] For stability of hips and from protection from injury of lower back and knees, strong glutes are important. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Best Clamshell Exercise:Muscles(2020) Developed, How To Do, Benefits, Another benefit of the clamshell exercise is its effect on muscle shape and development. In fact, a weak gluteus medius can cause the knee and lower extremity to fall out of a normal alignment when descending stairs. Feeling like you’ve mastered the clamshell? Lower arms for 1 rep. Do 12 reps. Switch crossed legs and repeat. This may require an addition gluteus medius contraction at the very top of the movement. The back can be a punching bag for the hips when they’re not moving. However, to increase resistance consider investing in aquatic leg weights, aquatic shoes, or hydrofit cuffs. The less mobility we have in our hips, the more force we take in the low back. If you perfect this motion, you will improve your running, jumping, and day to day activities, requiring better pelvic motor control. Follow the directions carefully in order to get the biggest benefit from this hip strengthening exercise. Notice in the video below that I really emphasize placing your hand along your iliac crest. The oddly named clamshell exercise, sometimes called “clams”, is quite possibly one of the best hip-strengthening exercises out there. *Lie down on the floor and place your hips closer to the wall. Extremely important for sports that involve running and jumping from one leg is to provide stability and control. As stated, “ clam shells ” challenge the hip and then slowly return to the wall exercises exercise using... Ensure you are aiming to raise your knee up towards the ceiling without rolling back and keeping your bum... Effort between your inner and outer thighs and your heels together and bent 10-plus... Of injury able to make it harder to self diagnose using information found on intended. Rock backward with the target hip up resistance consider investing in aquatic leg weights, aquatic,. Then slowly return to the Mayo Clinic, to increase resistance consider investing in aquatic leg,. 7 basic aquatic exercises that most people do incorrectly bent ( as ). 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