Tonifying by acupuncture and moxibustion: Moxibustion replenishes the yang-qi and expels the yin-cold, invigorates the inborn effectively, warming the spleen and kidney, thereby reviving yang for resuscitation. ... General: Harmonize Liver and Tonify Spleen Acupuncture: Sedate Points that harmonize the Liver and tonify Points that increase the Spleen energy. Eliminates and destroys worn-out red blood cells … Acupuncture Point: Spleen 9 (SP 9, SP9)Chinese Name: YinlingquanEnglish Name: Yin Mound SpringLocation: Under the medial condyle of the tibia, in the depression posterior and inferior to the medial border of the tibia.Attributes: He-Sea and Water point of the Spleen channel.TCM Actions: Warms and moves the central burner; regulates the spleen; transforms damp; regulates the … This depends on the training and background of your acupuncturist. The most powerful point on the body to raise the energy in the body and counter prolapse is Du20, which is located on the top of the head. A Spleen QI Deficiency occurs when there is not enough QI flowing through the spleen resulting in the spleen not functioning the way it should. They transform the situation. An important form it takes is that of Blood. Do you get phlegm after eating? Nose runs for no good reason, or when outside on cold days. (This also causes other syndromes such as. If the Spleen fails to send this ‘food qi‘ upwards to the chest, the food won’t go through the right process of transformation. The weather and temperature of your surroundings can affect your digestion. You’ll make more sense of this page after you’ve read the pages on Stomach and Spleen which tell you what they do, from the point of view of Chinese medicine. Eating a poor diet of mostly refined, highly processed foods where the body is not receiving enough nourishment is certainly common, especially in industrialized nations where foods tend to be overly processed and many people make poor food choices. For an example of Qi Deficiency, take your SPLEEN qi. We used to carry railway sleepers to weigh down plastic sheeting over our silage pit. (If you’re not sure what the “C” word is, it rhymes with ‘dancer.’) Out of any disease pattern in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Spleen Qi Deficiency (henceforth: SQD) would have to be at the top of the list. Beans produce flatus. When formless Qi comes together and thickens, ‘it becomes the origin of all beings’. This means that if Spleen qi is deficient, it will be unable to nourish the Lungs. If you have comments or questions, do use the box at the bottom of the page! This could take several forms. If so consider acupuncture, moxa and herbs. Required fields are marked *. It comes down to what, when in health, Qi does in the body. When you die, it disperses back into circulation. Read coffee for more on this! Yin Deficiency – Burnout and Exhaustion: What to Do! Spleen Qi Deficiency is associated with Internal Dampness, weight gain, digestive issues, and the emotions related to the Earth Element including an apathetic view-point or worrisome personality. The template that designed you comes from the combined qi of your parents. It is located under the left rib cage, just below your stomach. This Spleen channel points list links to individual Spleen points for deeper study. Spleen Function Traditional Chinese Medicine Controls the Raising of Qi Cold damp weather can lead to Stomach and Spleen deficiency. Or get advice from a homeopath.]. After all, busy young people often rely on simple dishes like baked beans for nourishment. Stomach and Spleen Deficiency? The emotion associated with the Spleen is worry. I can’t imagine that they’ll much want to meet me, but they might like to meet Mozart – or Rossini, at a pinch: they both had a sense of humour. REN-12 / Zhongwan Front-Mu point for ST. SP-3 / Taibai Yuan-Source point of the SP channel. Your Super Spleen. causes Liver Heat, which combines with dampness to obstruct the Liver and Gallbladder You can tell how healthy someone’s zong qi is by listening to his voice. For most people, brushing towards the heart is probably best, the idea being to lightly stimulate the surface of the skin and the lymph vessels to push old blood and lymph back towards the centre to be ‘re-metabolised’ before it is re-circulated. You make TCM much more easier to understand. This aspect of qi deficiency is often referred to as “qi sinking”. Of course it’s the reaction of your body that produces the symptoms, not the wind or cold etc. Defensive qi – wei qi – goes to the outside of your body to protect it. Spleen 4 of the Foot Taiyin channel is a major acupressure-acupuncture point for women’s reproductive issues such as infertility, perimenopausal symptoms, irregular menstrual periods and bleeding, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids. Stores, filters, and cleans the blood. As practitioners, we truly have to be detectives , keep looking for clues , and get all the facts, in order to make a tailored treatment for each patient , and get a successful outcome. SP-3 / Taibai Yuan-Source point of the SP channel. It also leads to impaired ability of the body to generate enough QI from the consumed food to function normally. It’s reached your chest and picked up air so the body can use it. But we’re in the realm of ideas here, so forgive me. What does TCM – Chinese medicine – say, and what about tiredness after eating? Then, because you aren’t eating enough, you get tired. So make sure what you eat is good quality. This is a common diagnosis in Western acupuncture clinics due to the unhealthy effects of modern diet and lifestyle [14] , and closely aligns with the common complaint of fatigue seen in many biomedical clinics [15] . As discussed in Chapter 2, the Spleen plays an important role in fertility because it is the source of Qi and Blood.The Spleen influences the quality of sperm and eggs through Post-Natal Jing (Essence). Don’t forget, a major part of YOUR cure is in YOUR hands. SP-6 / Sanyinjiao Strengthens SP and ST. It’s your choice and your opportunity! If your Spleen qi is deficient, it can’t do this and that means that Qi is weak. This leads to a weakness of the Lungs and reduces their ability to spread qi throughout the body. In the generative cycle, the Spleen feeds directly into the Lungs, giving the Spleen and Lungs a special, mother-child type relationship. Well, it can be, but often it’s not. Please take care of your digestion! Chronic worry and anxiety disturbs the Shen, which depresses the Heart function and leads to Heart Blood Deficiency. Of course I realise that the big hope is that people of the future will be dying to meet us and will have invented ways to inject more jing essence so we we’re all pumped up ready for life again. Other nutrients that often deplete from stress include zinc, but really, ongoing shortage of any vitamin or nutrient makes you less resilient and more likely to get ill and stressed. For example I tend to be slightly deficient in Vitamin B12. Theoretically this makes you grow older faster! A deficiency of spleen qi can be caused by many things. Spleen qi deficiency may be one explanation for a person not being able to fall asleep easily. Well, so would I. For you information, I have a Heart Yin deficiency with Empty Heat and my friend has Lung Qi deficiency. Small children are often ‘windy’: noisy, demanding, requiring constant attention, short attention spans etc. - at work). At home in the holidays I worked on our farm. However, another one told us to brush in direction of the heart. Practitioners believe that a qi deficiency is linked to the spleen and that rest and eating certain foods can treat the imbalance. As always, thank you for your articles, they are so helpful. That is, not much, possibly little or none! Click on Spleen functions to see what it does, or at least should do if you’re healthy. As Spleen-Yin deficiency very often occurs in conjunction with Stomach-Yin deficiency, I outline below the clinical manifestations and treatment of Stomach-Yin deficiency. Over-thinking and worry also upset Spleen qi. Treatment Principle: Tonify Spleen Qi and Raise Qi ; Points: As for Spleen Qi Deficiency plus These foods are helpful in reducing the symptoms of stress caused by qi stagnation. 168 Overthinking, worrying, or feeling anxious can lead to mental strain and harm Spleen Qi. Spleen Qi deficiency is one of the most common syndromes encountered by an acupuncturist and herbs, acupuncture, and dietary recommendations are typically employed to resolve the pattern. As for Spleen Qi Deficiency but even more likely in those who have Spleen Qi Deficiency and who also stand for a long time every day (i.e. This is the qi that acupuncture treatment manipulates. Must hawk to clear throat mucus before speaking? Stomach and Spleen deficiency – this page. Every organ (zang-fu is the Chinese name) in your body has its own form of qi. It has become a useful form of qi: Blood. I expect to say goodbye to you. They could also weep from exposure to bright light or cold wind. … well, you won’t necessarily die but you’ll be harder to cure. There are four main reasons for this, see below, but any number of contributing factors. Cold in particular can invade or disrupt your digestion. So signs of weak circulation, including varicose veins, suggest either zong qi is weak, or your Heart is not doing its job. The acupuncture treatment of Spleen-Yin deficiency is based on the following points: Ren-12 Zhongwan, Ren-4 Guanyuan, ST-36 Zusanli, SP-6 Sanyinjiao, LIV-13 Zhangmen. Likewise Qi and Blood deficiency can lead to iron deficiency. 155 But this herb also tonifies spleen qi. So you’ll be short of breath and a bit pale – signs of anaemia and of tiredness. Qi and Blood deficiency come from a whole range of different reasons: Blood is the basis of personality and health. That means you end up with loose stools, even diarrhoea. How to reduce yin and use yang to alleviate misery! If it can’t ascend it, in effect the Spleen lets things descend. That leads to Stomach and Spleen deficiency. Qi deficiency is also believed to be at the root of many common Western disorders, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, indigestion, menstrual cramps, and others. If so, let me say thank you for your company so far. Poor digestion is easy to understand. It is very widely used to eliminate Dampness in any part of the body. Without Qi, you get sick, as your immune system can’t do its work. That mainly comes under, For ideas about healthy food and eating read first our page on. It goes a bit deeper than you may imagine. NB The term ‘windy’ as used here does not in any way denote ‘flatulence’ though it does not exclude it. There are many causes of joint pain. A well-known modern authority calls it gathering qi. On the way you’ll have to learn a few Chinese terms because Western medicine and English don’t have equivalents. How to reduce yin and use yang to alleviate misery! It circulates the Blood and flows along the acupuncture channels. Energy, Nutrition And Food, Spleen, Spleen Energy, Stomach, Syndromes, Theory, Zangfu. He couldn’t believe it! Deficiency of any essential nutrient may tire you, long-term. Acupuncture points, Xuehai, treats irregular menstruation, all types of bleeding, pain and itching of the genitals and leukorrhea American Dragon - Acupuncture - Chinese Herbs - Dr Joel Penner OMD, LAc - SP-10 - Spleen-10 - Xuehai To become useful for the body it must first ascend to the Lungs to pick up air to become ‘Zong Qi’. Ideas are yang. Click on Spleen functions to see what it does, or at least should do if you’re healthy. High blood pressure – hypertension: understand it with yin and yang to get the right treatment. Dry skin; Dysmenorrhea; Distended abdominal pain, one or two days before or during menstruation which is worse with pressure; Qi Stagnation: more distention than pain; Blood Stagnation: more pain than distention; Hypomenorrhea with dark purple Blood Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang / Decoction for Reinforcing the Center and Replenishing Qi What causes qi deficiency? They’re probably right what with diet, worry, work and the environment! Liver qi deficiency Based on the diagnosis, the acupuncturist will establish the treatment method and course to treat the snoring disorder. So if you present for acupuncture having eaten no breakfast, acupuncture won’t work so well. Excess yang or deficient yin? sweet food in excess causes Stomach and Spleen deficiency, as does empty food, ie food lacking nutritive value or full of herbicides, pesticides and fungicides, even though these kill bugs and parasites. There are also points to help clear Damp and Phlegm. Stomach yang deficiency: this could happen if you eat too much cold, iced or chilled food, or too many foods with a Cold energy – see. The emotion associated with the Spleen is worry. For example: As with Western medicine, one suspects anaemia. A spleen qi deficiency shows up several symptoms such as cold hands and feet, as there is not enough energy sufficiently distributed. Your Stomach and Spleen are the main energies in your body that deal with thinking. Common Acupuncture Points. Chinese medicine has had at least 2500 years to consider it. I have had patients who didn’t really get better until they moved out of their damp houses or repaired the leaks. Because it is on the outside, it is yang in relation to nutritive (ying) qi which is on the inside: yin. Your email address will not be published. One of the Spleen’s functions is to hold things in place, in fact to ascend things. Probably the most common TCM patterns in our western world! If you work on them you may create something you can touch – yin. Irina Szmelskyj DipAc MSc MBAcC, ... Alan O. Szmelskyj Do MSc AdvDipClinHyp FRSPH, in Acupuncture for IVF and Assisted Reproduction, 2015. The same applies, in a slightly different way, to internal Spleen functions. 6- The TCM Spleen Emotions: Worry and Over Thinking . Cold sweet food like ice-cream – well…! causes Liver Heat, which combines with dampness to obstruct the Liver and Gallbladder It took less than two minutes. Spleen 4 of the Foot Taiyin channel is a major acupressure-acupuncture point for women’s reproductive issues such as infertility, perimenopausal symptoms, irregular menstrual periods and bleeding, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids.It is paired with acupressure-acupuncture point Pericardium 6 to activate the Chong Mai, or Penetrating Extraordinary … Unfortunately I shan’t have Mozart with me as he made the grave mistake of dying over 200 years ago: no use at all! Kidney deficiency 3. He may have had a sense of humour, but he was pretty manic-depressive. ST-36 / Zusanli Strengthens SP's transforming and transporting functions. It’s not a full list! Conversely, those with Spleen qi deficiency may tend to worry. Receiving a diagnosis of having Spleen Qi Deficiency might not sound as serious as the dreaded “C” word. Your Spleen is about half the size of your hand. However, they do have good ideas for how to make it work better and to preserve it – to maintain health! Spleen 4 SP4 Acupressure Point. I’d like to know what is your view about this subject. The following can combine with any of the four deficient conditions listed above. When, in the early stages of an infection, you sneeze, that’s your Kidney Yang supplying your Lung qi with the energy to eject the invader. Now, the first sign of something practical! Chronic worry and anxiety disturbs the Shen, which depresses the Heart function and leads to Heart Blood Deficiency. The Point is a Denver and Wash Park acupuncture clinic for pain, fertility, digestion, anxiety and more. Come see the best acupuncturists in Denver. The Ancient Way to Deal with Burnout and Exhaustion. You get that when stressed and under pressure to do something that may be impossible or for which you haven’t developed resilience. How is Qi made? Soon enough you’ll see they lead to very real places and conditions of ill-health. Even in acupuncture, point combinations for tonifying wei qi almost always include needles or moxa on St 36 (a common Spleen 3 is one of the most important acupressure-acupuncture points on the body for boosting Qi energy and vitality. However, low spirits (eg deficient Gallbladder qi, or deficient Heart Qi) and depression or sadness (stagnant or deficient Liver or Lung qi), and qi stagnation (mostly Liver Qi stagnation), can put you off food. And deaf.) Spleen Qi Deficiency. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a0d46c3974d6a6b587098c1437c0e9da" );document.getElementById("bd17e0042c").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This point is equally applicable for Excess and Deficiency. ST-28 / Shuidao Benefits UB: used more for Damp-Heat obstructing urination, but can be used for edema. If so, read the following pages: If the fuzziness continues, consider whether it is an excess or deficient condition. Qi: this page lists many of the causes, which include nutrition, poor digestion, tiredness as at the end of a day etc. LIV-13 / Zhangmen Front-Mu point for SP. Zong qi also helps your Heart regulate your blood vessels. Almost everyone thinks they have Stomach and Spleen deficiency sooner or later. Stomach and Spleen Qi deficiency makes you more susceptible to many other syndromes. So take them with food, regularly. Many different topics or projects, one after the next, done with great concentration, Not taking a break from work often enough, Having several jobs in different places, requiring you to rush between them, seldom getting enough time to eat in a leisurely manner, Over-thinking, constantly analysing situations, or continually brooding over matters, including obsession, weakens your Spleen function, Always reading, especially textbooks: but any, I also think that sitting for ages watching TV, working, or playing games (including online) leads to Stomach and Spleen deficiency. Qi flows and, for health, must be able to flow and change. Conversely, those with Spleen qi deficiency may tend to worry. About body brushing, I would like to know which direction do we have to brush for someone who is weak. I’ve just read it through again and pretty well convinced myself I have it too! See more ideas about Qi deficiency, Spleen qi deficiency, Chinese medicine. Energy, Lung Energy, Nutrition And Food, Points and Channels, Spleen Energy, Stomach, Stomach points. Think of those whose bellies are obese and fall out and downwards. And, considering that Qi travels with Blood, and Blood is needed to nourish all systems in the body, yep, this is a big deal! Prolonged working hours is an aggravating factor contributing to short-sightedness. I could do it for a morning, but for several days afterwards I could hardly get out of bed, whereas the other, mature, farm-workers, continued to finish the silage pit and then get on with other jobs.]. Other points are selected according to the type of prolapse. Spleen qi deficiency: digestive process isn’t working properly, either from worry or a history of poor eating habits. What it turns into is ‘Food qi’, but even so, the body can’t use it yet: it’s not yet proper Blood. Common Acupuncture Points. For a Chinese medicine ‘take’ on good food, read our pages on Blood-Building foods, and on Nutrition. It means that even if you eat good food, and enough of it, containing excellent quantities of all nutrients, you still don’t absorb what you need. The muscle in question was on his Lung channel. This Spleen QI Deficiency gives rise to deficiency of QI in other organs of the body as well. Those of us who don’t get this syndrome may have other problems, but having a secure digestion is for them a major blessing. Acupuncture Point: Spleen 9 (SP 9, SP9)Chinese Name: YinlingquanEnglish Name: Yin Mound SpringLocation: Under the medial condyle of the tibia, in the depression posterior and inferior to the medial border of the tibia.Attributes: He-Sea and Water point of the Spleen channel.TCM Actions: Warms and moves the central burner; regulates the spleen; transforms damp; regulates the … However, that’s not quite all, because your Kidney Yang qi also supports your Wei qi. Still, this is such a common condition that Chinese medicine wouldn’t be worth much if it couldn’t treat it. You might have slept badly but still be able to lift the shopping. You learn resilience, not to be over-sensitive, and it helps you to develop a sense of humour!). A human being is the coming-together of the Qi of Heaven and of Earth. So deficient defensive wei qi happens when one or more of the following occur: However, it is more complicated than even that, because although the main functions above relating to movement are upwards, yangwards one might say, one function of Lung qi is to descend qi towards the Kidneys, which later raise it up again. This covers not just the quality of food from a Western medical point of view but, from the Chinese perspective, Nutrition, and also how you prepare and eat food: Our emotions have a huge effect on our digestion. Tiredness with joint pain suggests the tiredness precedes the pain or would be present even without the pain. Qi deficiency: what causes this and how to overcome it? in childbirth) or any cause of Deficient Blood. The Point is a Denver and Wash Park acupuncture clinic for pain, fertility, digestion, anxiety and more. Saliva escapes your mouth, unexpectedly, like after a dental anaesthetic when your lips are numb: dribble! Stress from Qi Stagnation – Signs of Stress. If your body doesn’t get the nutrition it needs, it falls back on what is called your jing-essence. Otherwise …(!) Over-thinking, ie worrying, weakens Stomach Qi. As the muscles do not receive the essence of food, you may also experience signs of weakness and fatigue. It’s your choice and your opportunity! In China they call it Essential qi, or sometimes Chest qi. How high or low-spirited you are is an important manifestation of your qi! The concepts of TCM are … This leads to a weakness of the Lungs and reduces their ability to spread qi throughout the body. in childbirth) or any cause of Deficient Blood. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "af59444fcf121ac3eb38b8d2322f1298" );document.getElementById("fc8a97b936").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Eyes running – lachrimation  – even though you aren’t crying and you’re not sad. I’ve written a separate page about jing-essence because it’s another big subject. The Shu-Stream points of the Yin channels are the primary point on each channel for regulating and harmonising their respective zang, and may therefore be considered as the single most important point of their respective channel: ¥ Taiyuan LU-9 is an essential point to tonify both Lung-Qi and Yin. All body parts not held properly in place occur at least partly because your Spleen is deficient. If your Kidney yang is weak, that also weakens your Wei qi. See under Stomach Cold invasion. ST-36 / Zusanli He-Sea point of the ST channel. UB-21 / Weishu Back-Shu point for ST. LIV-13 / Zhangmen Front-Mu point for SP. Pre-exam nerves on the one hand, and long-term anxieties (finance, family, relationships, job …) on the other. If coffee does make you feel better it will have yanked a bit of yang energy out of  your yin reserves, so you will probably already be mildly yin deficient as you walk in for the treatment! Brooding and overthinking will weaken the Spleen. Loose stools: so loose you could lose some unexpectedly – embarrassing! Book a Video consultation if you want to know more about your symptoms, Stress from Qi Stagnation – Signs of Stress. Strengthen SP and Benefit Qi. Outside you, long-term factor contributing to short-sightedness frustration, repressed anger etc... By the six actions in the body, often the best will in the body until they moved of. May tire you, long-term, of course qi also gathers in your vocal cords sick! Congenital and Spleen are the main cause of loss of appetite and tiredness not... 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