Vi tackar för ert förtroende och ser fram emot fortsatt gott samarbete. BASF Safety data sheet Date / Revised: 01.12.2016 Version: 3.0 Product: TERMIDOR DRY TERMITICIDE & INSECTICIDE (30647073/SDS_CPA_AU/EN ) Date of print 02.12.2016 5. 4.4 out of 5 stars 5. Vi är trots det allvarliga läget, glada att meddela att de allra flesta av vÃ¥ra leverantörer har kunnat producera i nästan normal takt. SE-131 41 NACKA How Termidor Foam Works. These features make Termidor Foam the perfect product for stage 1 colony elimination when treating termite nests in and off structure, bivouacs, baiting stations or other areas with termite activity. Termidor FOAM termicide is intended for the purposes of general wood pest control for localized zones of active termite infestations. Safety Data Sheet Version: 1.0 Date / Revised:16.10.2015 TERMIDOR® FOAM TERMITICIDE AND INSECTICIDE Date of Print: 16.10.2015 Page 1 / 8 1. Wear face shield if splashing hazard exists. AB Termidor, org. Vi kan se en viss fördröjning i informationsflödet dÃ¥ mÃ¥nga arbetar hemifrÃ¥n. Sammantaget har ingen kund drabbats av nÃ¥gon betydande störning. On the fields its’s used to eliminate: Lepidopteran (moth, butterfly etc. • Lim & Fogmassor Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Segregate from foods and animal feeds. VÃ¥r italienska leverantör Sitra S.p.A meddelar att de deras produktion är klassad som samhällsnödvändig och omfattas inte av nÃ¥gra restriktioner. Watch this brief application demonstration video for Termidor® Foam termiticide/insecticide, a ready-to-use foam in a convenient, pressurized can. Termidor is very famous insecticide. Both have their own pros and cons. Unlike some alternatives, Termidor is odorless and does not contain solvents or any other substances that may lead to indoor air contamination. Perfect for spot treatments, Termidor FOAM expands rapidly creating a dry foam that can be applied in the voids, harborages, … ). Based on Fipronil it is not allowed to be … Humans can be exposed to Fipronil through contact with the skin or eyes, inhalation, or ingestion. White MABI Injectors for Concrete Slab and Wall Treatments – White - 1 Pkg/100 Units – Size (1/2“) - $0.25/Injector $ 25.00; Sinking Tool $ 9.99; MABI Injectors 3/8'' Beige Color For Termite Wood Treatment Pkg/500 Units $ 79.99 Termidor was first introduced as a cure for termite infestations in the market back in 2000 and since then it has gained more popularity. Perfect for spot treatments, Termidor foam expands rapidly creating a dry foam that can be applied in the voids, Harborages, galleries, & … Termidor Foam Termiticide and Insecticide is a next generation Termidor product from BASF. • Livsmedel & Läkemedel. Care must be taken to avoid runoff. Some articles indicate that fipronil, an ingredient in Termidor is dangerous, but there is no evidence found in any studies. Ground all transfer equipment properly to prevent electrostatic discharge. To control termite infestation you have to options. Termidor är ett agentur- och distributörsföretag inom kemibranschen. It can be used in and around buildings and even applied as an outdoor spot treatment in certain cases. Baiting or liquid. Show this Material Safety Data Sheet to a doctor. If in eyes: Hold eyes open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 to 20 minutes. Fire-Fighting Measures Suitable extinguishing media: water spray, dry powder, foam Unsuitable extinguishing media for safety reasons: water jet, carbon dioxide Specific hazards: It's active ingredient fipronil, however, is quite toxic to humans and animals as well as the termites. Spridningen av Coronaviruset är dessvärre global och pÃ¥verkar globala leveranskedjor. Safety glasses with side-shields. Termidor Review from active user. Inhalation: Remove victim to fresh air. Spectracide is based on Cyhalothrin, this chemical causes paralysis of the nervous system of the termite. Termidor Foam-6 Bottles/1 Case. 29 ($33.05/Count) FREE Shipping. Detta kommer att öka ledtiden och pÃ¥ detta sätt föreslÃ¥r vi alla vÃ¥ra kunder att i förväg planera sina behov för att försöka minska problem eller förseningar med leveranser. General safety and hygiene measures:, AB Termidor | Stubbsundsvägen 17 | SE-131 41 NACKA SWEDEN | Phone :+46 (0)8 641 94 00 | E-mail : | Your Online Pest Control Resource Since 1997 Need Expert Help? Termidor products such as SC and Foam contain the same active ingredient to combat termites: fipronil. Do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Vi ser med tillförsikt fram emot sommaren och hoppas att den positiva trenden med färre Covid-19 fall hÃ¥ller i sig. Runoff from treated areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in neighboring areas. It was first allowed in the United States in 1996. Christmas Savings AND Fast Free Shipping! Tightly fitting safety goggles (chemical goggles). Termidor: safety and environmental aspects At law Termidor is to be applied at 0.06% concentration in water solution to soil areas abutting a building. Detta medför t ex att Heubach inte kan skeppa organiska pigment frÃ¥n sin indiska fabrik. Safety Data Sheet Termidor® Foam Termiticide/Insecticide Revision date : 2012/08/17 Page: 1/8 Version: 1.0 (553910/SDS_CPA_US/EN) 1. Stubbsundsvägen 17 Termidor is a professionally applied termite defense product that is undetectable to drywood and subterranean termites. Since its introduction, over 4 million homes have been protected with Termidor. Vi kommer tillsammans med vÃ¥ra leverantörer fortsatt hÃ¥lla oss uppdaterade om utvecklingen i de olika länderna. The first-choice foam for complete termite colony control Another innovation that extends the superiority of the Termidor range for flexible, reliable and fast termite control, Termidor Foam is a robust dry foam formulation that expands to fill termite nests, galleries and other active workings. Call 1-855-55-37378 (EPEST) 8:30 - 4:30pm CT (M-F) Safety Data Sheet TERMIDOR FOAM Revision date : 2014/10/21 Page: 5/12 Version: 4.0 (30579852/SDS_CPA_US/EN) national electric code. It comes in a variety of forms, one of the most common being labeled as Terminol, and works by disrupting the normal function of the central nervous system in insects. The product has been custom designed for localised treatments and provides pest controllers with unsurpassed efficacy: a result of the superior Termidor Transfer Effect. Termidor Foam is labeled for use in homes and businesses. Tillsammans med vÃ¥ra leverantörer följer vi utvecklingen för att snabbt kunna reagera pÃ¥ förändringar. Produktionen sker i normal omfattning. It has been used safely in millions of homes, including those with children and pets; in fact, one of the main active ingredients in Termidor is … Neighbors App Real-Time Crime & Safety Alerts Amazon Subscription Boxes Top subscription boxes – right to your door: PillPack Pharmacy Simplified: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Termidor® Residual Termiticide Date of Issue: October 23, 2002 Page 2 of 7 4. It cannot be sprayed indoors along baseboards or sprayed in cabinets and should be done by a licensed and approved pest control company. Because they can’t detect Termidor, termites are not aware of ingesting the product when they eat. BASF Safety data sheet Date / Revised: 22.11.2016 Version: 1.0 Product: TERMIDOR FOAM TERMITICIDE/INSECTICIDE (30579852/SDS_CPA_AU/EN ) Date of print 23.11.2016 If inhaled: Keep patient calm, remove to fresh air. Safety Data Sheet Termidor Foam Termiticide/Insecticide Revision date : 2018/05/02 Page: 3/12 Version: 7.1 (30579852/SDS_CPA_US/EN) If on skin: Wash thoroughly with soap and water. • Bygg/Betong & Asfalt This product is toxic to birds, fish and aquatic invertebrates. . When using Termidor, safety precautions are vital. Before application of Termidor foam termicide, read the product label carefully in order to get information on the directions for use and recommendations for personal protection. Genom ett nära samarbete med välkända kemikalieproducenter i Europa och med logistikföretag har vi byggt upp ett väl fungerande lager och distributionsnät i Skandinavien där vi erbjuder olika kundanpassade lösningar. Log in, Termidor SC Termiticide Insecticide Review, Formosan Termites Establishing New Colonies in South. head protection, apron, protective boots, chemical-protection suit. BSF4F Issue Date : April 2006 ISSUED by BASFANZ Product Name : TERMIDOR® Residual Termiticide Classified as hazardous according to criteria of NOHSC Melting Point Not Available Solubility in Water Dispersible, 1.9 mg/L at 20°C (technical fipronil) Boiling Point Not Available pH Value 7.0 - 8.0 (1% aqueous solution) On skin contact: Wash … SWEDEN, Phone :+46 (0)8 641 94 00 Berörda kunder är informerade om detta. Termidor FOAM contains Fipronil, the same active ingredient as Termidor SC, in a RTU (ready-to-use) foam labeled for termites and ants. VÃ¥ra transportörer har snabbt anpassat sig till rÃ¥dande omständigheter och lyckats med att fÃ¥ fram transporterna i tid. Termidor can be used indoors only if it is used within the walls and below the foundations for termites. Substance/preparation and company identification TERMIDOR® FOAM TERMITICIDE AND INSECTICIDE Use: Aerosol formulation for the control of subterranean termites, drywood termites and ants. FIRST AID MEASURES If poisoning occurs, immediately contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre (telephone 13 11 26), and follow the advice given. VÃ¥ra kunder finns främst i följande branscher: • Färg (mÃ¥lningsfärg och tryckfärg) Produkterna bestÃ¥r i huvudsak av olika insatsrÃ¥varor till industrin. nr 556276-1287 med adress Stubbsundsvägen 17, 131 47 Nacka, är personuppgiftsansvarig för företagets behandling av personuppgifter. Termidor is odorless and water-based, and it will not leach through soil or cause harm to plants near the treatment areas. Termidor is a very effective termite killer and works well when used outdoors to kill termites and stop them from getting into your home. Aerosol container Vi kommer att göra vÃ¥rt yttersta för att minska möjliga förseningar. It attacks a termite's central nervous system and causes hyperexcitation, making the insect lose its basic motor functions. Page 3 Material Safety Data Sheet of 4 Infosafe No. Refer to the label for exact application instructions. E-mail : Electrostatic discharge may cause ignition. Use Termidor Foam in apartments and other residential buildings, including nonpatient areas of nursing homes. Termidor Foam has also been specifically designed with 0.05g/kg of fipronil, ensuring the product does not kill too quickly allowing the powerful Termidor Transfer Effect™ to go to work. It is America's #1 termite defense product. Remove contact lenses, if present, after first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing. Stubbsundsvägen 17 SE-131 41 NACKA SWEDEN. Termidor foam contains Fipronil, the same active ingredient as Termidor SC, in a RTU (ready-to-use) foam that is labeled for termites & ants. Termidor termite treatment is especially popular in China for rice fields protection. Safety Data Sheet TERMIDOR ... foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide, water spray Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture Hazards during fire-fighting: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, Hydrogen chloride, halogenated hydrocarbons, This slow-acting chemical goes undetected by the colony and spreads quickly among the insects. Behöver du få kontakt med oss gällande dataskydd når du oss på Fipronil is even used on dogs and cats for flea control for many years as well. Termidor termite control is been tested on more than 250 different insect pests on crops and almost 40% of all the produced fipronil is used for crop pest control. Read my blog post to read my discussion about Baiting vs liquid in which i included both pros and cons. Fler och fler länder börjar öppna upp efter nedstängning p g a Corona viruset. Find BASF Termidor FOAM, Free Shipping.Termidor FOAM is the same great product Termidor SC, in a convenient ready to use pressurized foam can. Phone :+46 (0)8 641 94 00 E-mail : Body protection: Body protection must be chosen depending on activity and possible exposure, e.g. Regeringen i Indien stänger ned alla hamnar, flygplatser samt logistikföretag med omedelbar verkan. Företaget grundades 1990 och har sitt kontor i Nacka utanför Stockholm. • Plast & Gummi Not only will Termidor Foam work well for termites,and the trickiest ant problems both inside and outside. When Termidor is applied, it is diluted so that the fipronil is approximately 0.06%, which is really low. $198.29 $ 198. Termidor Foam Sell Sheet Absolute Ant Control Homeowner Trifold Termidor® Termiticide/ Insecticide: Just the Facts Termidor® Termiticide/ Insecticide: Just the Facts FAQ Labels and SDS View So this foam kills on contact and which make it less efficient than others in this list. Can Termidor Be Used Indoors? They go about their routine activities and will still be killed by contact with Termidor even when they are not feeding. Termidor kills termites through contact and ingestion. Precautionary measures. Försäljningen sker huvudsakligen i Norden. Safety Data Sheet TERMIDOR FOAM Revision date : 2014/10/21 Page: 4/12 Version: 4.0 (30644389/SDS_CPA_US/EN) Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture Hazards during fire-fighting: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides The substances/groups of substances mentioned can be released in case of fire. We get asked quite often from customers, can Termidor be used indoors? TillgÃ¥ngen av rÃ¥varor kan begränsas pÃ¥ grund av kortvariga nedstängningar av produktionsanläggningar, stora hamnar och även landsgränser. Contain the same active ingredient to combat termites: fipronil control Resource 1997! Tillfã¶Rsikt fram emot sommaren och hoppas att den positiva trenden med färre Covid-19 fall i... Chemical-Protection suit minutes, then continue rinsing Sheet to a doctor and ants when is! 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