4). J Obstet Gynaecol Br Commonw 78: 513, 1971, Sabbagha RE, Hughey M: Standardization of sonar cephalometry and gestational age. This … Am J Obstet Gynecol 138: 475, 1980, Hadlock FP, Deter RL, Harrist RB, Park SK: Fetal abdominal circumference as a predictor of menstrual age. Skupski DW(1), Owen J, Kim S, Fuchs KM, Albert PS, Grantz KL; Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and … This means that they are smaller than many other babies of the same gestational age. Unable to process the form. The sac is measured inside the hyperechoic rim, including only the echo-free space (Fig. I know it seems two weeks off, however, ultrasound software is calibrated according to gestational age, not fetal age… Am J Obstet Gynecol 159: 921, 1988, Ott WJ: Fetal femur length, neonatal crown-heel length, and screening for intrauterine growth retardation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 103:789, 1969. When you look at your ultrasound print out, you’ll u sually see the letters GA, meaning gestational age. Gestational age can be determined prenatally in the fetus and postnatally in the newborn. Invest Radiol 20: 316, 1985, Jeanty P, Beck GJ, Chervenak FA et al: A comparison of sector and linear array scanners for the measurement of the fetal femur. J Ultrasound Med 3: 241, 1984, Goldstein I, Reece EA, Pilu et al: Cerebellar measurements with ultrasonography in the evaluation of fetal growth and development. Your healthcare provider will use hormone levels in your blood, the date of your last menstrual period and, in some cases, results from an ultrasound to generate an estimated gestational age. Mean sac diameter (MSD) before a fetal pole is identified and biparietal diameter (BPD) after 11 weeks can also be used to support the calculation of the GA. Prenatal development benchmarks are linked to gestational ages. AJR 138: 871, 1982, Cooperberg PL, Chow T, Kite V, Austin S: Biparietal diameter: A comparison of real time and conventional B-scan techniques. Subsequent studies have suggested that the CRL is somewhat less accurate; however, the accuracy is still within ±5 to 7 days.49,50,51,52 Most recently, MacGregor and co-workers19 evaluated CRL measurements in pregnancies of women with known dates of ovulation and reported data that differed from those of the previous two studies. Crown-rump length measurement is used to establish fetal age in pregnancies with unknown menstrual dates or in pregnancies with discrepancy between menstrual dates and crown-rump length measurement of greater than ±7 days. Am J Obstet Gynecol 138: 615, 1980, Socol M, Tamura R, Sabbagha RE et al: Diminished biparietal diameter and abdominal circumference growth in normal twins. In general, ultrasound-derived fetal dating tables obtained for singleton pregnancies can be used accurately for twin pregnancies until approximately 30 weeks' gestation.82,83,84,85,86 During the last 10 weeks of pregnancy there is a decrease in the growth rate for twin fetuses compared with singleton fetuses. Clin Obstet Gynecol 19: 871, 1976, Liley AW: Liquor amnii in the management of the pregnancy complicated by rhesus sensitization. In approximately 90% of fetuses, BPD growth from 20 to 33 weeks' gestation tends to progress within narrow percentile ranks (Table 10).21,25 BPD growth patterns can be subdivided into three types: large (90th percentile); average (10th to 90th percentile); and small (10th percentile). Conclusion.Ultrasound is an accurate and useful modality for assessment of gestational age in the first and second trimester of pregnancy and, as a routine part of prenatal care, can greatly impact obstetric management and improve antepartum care. Linear-array ultrasound imaging provides more accurate measurements of FL. The longitudinal diameter is measured between the small crosses (1) and the anteroposterior diameter is measured between the larger crosses (2). Proper decisions regarding presumed preterm labor or postdate pregnancies are only possible when gestational age is accurately estimated. Hadlock and co-workers80,81 combined several measurements in an effort to increase the accuracy of gestational age assessment. Skupski DW, Owen J, Kim S, et al. Am J Obstet Gynecol 139: 540, 1981, Hadlock FP, Harrist RB, Deter RL, Park SK: Fetal femur length as a predictor of menstrual age. TABLE 8. J Ultrasound Med 1: 97, 1982, Doubilet PM, Greenes RA: Improved prediction of gestational age from fetal head measurement. Early ultrasound is widely recognised to provide a more valid estimation of gestational age than last normal menstrual period dating. TABLE 11. Online calculator to determine the duration of pregnancy by ultrasound results. The fetal stomach is at the same level, which is slightly caudad to the fetal heart and cephalad to the kidneys. Artifactual bowing of the femur may also occur on ultrasound imaging and lead to a shortened FL measurement. The estimated date of delivery (EDD) should be calculated by last menstrual period (LMP) unless 1: ADVERTISEMENT: Supporters see fewer/no ads, Please Note: You can also scroll through stacks with your mouse wheel or the keyboard arrow keys. OUTCOMES: To determine whether ultrasound dating provides more accurate gestational age Gestational age at the first routine ultrasound was calculated according to the multiple parameter formula of Hadlock et al., which used the head circumference, abdominal circumference, biparietal diameter and femur length measurements recorded during the first routine ultrasound. The femur length is measured between the arrows. Accuracy Moreover, gestational age is more accurate than fetal age. Lancet 1: 1029, 1965, Queenan JT, O'Brien GD, Bains LM et al: Ultrasound scanning of ovaries to detect ovulation in women. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 84: 165, 1977, Goldstein RB, Filly RA, Simpson G: Pitfalls in femur length measurements. The BPD, HC, AC, and FL measurements were obtained and the mean gestational ages of combinations of these parameters were averaged to obtain a mean gestational age. Obstet Gynecol 55: 678, 1980, Leveno K J, Santos-Ramos R, Duenholter JH et al: Sonar cephalometry in twin pregnancy: Discordancy of the biparietal diameter after 28 weeks' gestation. Gestational age means how far along your pregnancy is. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 64: 65, 1985, Queenan JF, O'Brien GD, Campbell S: Ultrasound measurement of fetal limb bones. Fetal growth retardation or macrosomia may be missed or incorrectly diagnosed owing to errors in gestational age assignment. Analysis of percentile growth differences in two normal populations using same methodology. A. Longitudinal image of a gestational sac. Transaxial image of the fetal head for biparietal diameter and head circumference measurements. Analysis of biparietal diameter as an accurate indicator of gestational age. Br Med J 4: 404, 1970, Bell ET, Loraine JA: Time of ovulation in relation to cycle length. Gestational Age. Accuracy of Gestational Age Assessment by Multiple Fetal Growth Parameter. Gestational age is also estimated by using ultrasound measurements of the fetus combined with the dates of first fetal heart tones and other developmental milestones. Also a number of other study can be perform at the same time, such as below: the number of fetuses and gestation sacs; the presence of a heart beat The three measurements are averaged to obtain the gestational sac mean diameter. Predictive of three fetal growth patterns leading to a closer assessment of gestational age and neonatal weight. 1). Measurement of embryo length allows you to determine the gestational age with great accuracy. The transverse diameter is measured between the crosses. The crown-rump length (CRL) is a measurement of the embryo, usually identified at 6 to 7 weeks' gestation.17,48 The embryo is measured along its longest axis to obtain the CRL measurement (Fig. The technique involves measurement of the fetal length from the tip of the cephalic pole to the tip of the caudal pole. When menstrual dates fall within the confidence limits of the ultrasound assessment, the role of ultrasound is to confirm menstrual dates. Reprinted with permission of C.V. Mosby, St. Am J Obstet Gynecol 126:485, 1976. All calculations must be confirmed before use. The AC may be used to estimate gestational age (Table 6) but is less accurate than head measurements (BPD or HC).33 Similar to head measurements, the accuracy of AC in estimating gestational age is greatest in the second trimester, with decreasing accuracy near term. AJR 142: 797, 1984, Hadlock FP, Deter RL, Harrist RB, Park SK: Fetal head circumference: Relation to menstrual age. TABLE 1.Clinical Predictors of Gestational Age. The suggested results are not a substitute for clinical judgment. Furthermore, BPD measurement is most accurate in assessing gestational age when the head shape is appropriately ovoid. The estimated age of fetus is 19w2d. Since the first BPD measurement failed to recognize the small growth pattern and, therefore, underestimated gestational age, the second measurement allows the gestational age assessment to be adjusted based on the BPD growth pattern. Ethnic group The detection of multiple gestations is important since multiple gestations are at greater risk for many complications, particularly fetal growth retardation. Gestational age can be determined before or after birth. There … As the pregnancy continues, the head can be easily identified from the rest of the body. A. Ultrasound image with biparietal diameter measurement ( between the solid arrows, outer edge to inner edge) and fronto-occipital diameter measurement ( between the open arrows ). The head circumference may be calculated using these diameters or measured directly. Ovulation induction with agents such as clomiphene citrate and Pergonal, also accurately predicts gestational age. ), Ultrasound image of a fetus at 10 weeks' gestation. Ultrasound is used to find out if a fetus is smaller than normal for their age. In the second and third trimester, a difference in age of up to two weeks is considered normal between your gestational age and the ultrasound scan age. Conclusion Gestational age is the age … Obstet Gynecol 43: 7, 1974, Campbell S, Newman GB: Growth of the fetal biparietal diameter during normal pregnancy. While the gestational age measures how far along a pregnancy is in weeks, fetal age is the actual age of the growing baby. Reprinted with permission of Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore. Radiology 147: 815, 1983, Wolfson RN, Peisner DB, Chik LL, Sokol RJ: Comparison of biparietal diameter and femur length in the third trimester: Effects of gestational age and variation in fetal growth. Does ultrasound measure gestational age or fetal age? Gestational age estimations in twin pregnancies prior to 30 weeks' gestation should be performed in a similar manner to that for singleton pregnancies. References. Check for errors and try again. For example, at the gestational age of 7 to 8 weeks, all the vital organs have begun to form, along with the bones and cartilage. The first BPD of 5.4 cm represents any of the three fetuses of differing fetal ages. Methods used to assess gestational age include known date of ovulation, date of the last menstrual period (LMPlast menstrual period) and diagnostic ultrasound. ADVERTISEMENT: Radiopaedia is free thanks to our supporters and advertisers. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience from our website.By using the website or clicking OK we will assume you are happy to receive all cookies from us. Cowchock FS: Use of alpha-fetoprotein in prenatal diagnosis. Smazal and associates51 evaluated the method of GASA and suggested that the accuracy was indeed ±5 days. J Clin Ultrasound 15: 237, 1987, Campbell S, Thorns A: Ultrasound measurement of the fetal head to abdomen circumference ratio in the assessment of growth retardation. 1-8 Estimates based on menstrual dates are two to three days higher, on average, than those based on early ultrasound, a difference usually attributed to late ovulation. ), (Campbell S, Thoms A: Ultrasound measurement of the fetal head to abdomen circumference ratio in the assessment of growth retardation. Specifically, the level of α-fetoprotein in both amniotic fluid and maternal serum is related to gestational age and when dates are inaccurate test results will be incorrect and misleading.1 Similarly, the magnitude of increased optical density above baseline at 450 nm (delta OD 450) by amniotic fluid spectrophotometric measurement is used to predict the severity of fetal hemolytic disease in pregnancies complicated by rhesus isoimmunization.2,3 Test results are interpreted based on Liley's zones relative to gestational age. Obstetric management is also dependent on gestational age. Linear array image of the fetal femur. INTRODUCTION. A second BPD measurement 10 weeks later will identify the fetus as large (, (Sabbagha RE, Barton BA, Barton FB et al: Sonar biparietal diameter: II. The most popular methods for calculating gestational age are biparietal diameter (BPD) and crown-rump length (CRL). Diagram of the transaxial ultrasound image of the fetal abdomen at the level of the abdominal circumference measurement with fetal spine ( curved arrow ), the umbilical portion of the left portal vein ( solid arrow ), and fetal stomach ( open arrow). No related calculators found for . The crown-rump length is measured along the longest axis of the fetus (, (MacGregor SN, Tamura RK, Sabbagha RE et al: Underestimation of gestational age by conventional crown-rump length growth curves.Obstet Gynecol 70:344, 1987.Reprinted with permission of American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists). Thus, estimation of gestational age by AC will lead to inaccuracies in fetuses displaying either of these growth patterns. Clin Obstet Gynecol 14: 505, 1971, Goldenberg RL, Nelson K: Iatrogenic respiratory distress syndrome. The first BPD of 5.4 cm represents any of the three fetuses of differing fetal ages. These include incorporation of the yolk sac or lower limbs in the CRL measurement, excessive curling or extension of the fetus, and tangential section of the trunk.17 Despite these potential sources of error, CRL measurement is an accurate and useful method of assessing gestational age in the first trimester. The most accurate way to determine gestational … Karen Mizia, Sue Campbell Westerway, Meiri Robertson, Emma Parry, Debra Paoletti, David Perry, Jayshree Ramkrishna, Lyndal Macpherson, George Condous. Both parameters are useful because each measures a different aspect of the first-trimester pregnancy and may be used at different times during the first trimester. Obstet Gynecol. Neither Perinatology.com … Fetal heart rate reactivity and fetal breathing develop with advancing gestational age; therefore, the absence of these biophysical parameters may be interpreted as abnormal for fetuses in whom the gestational age has been overestimated. Gestational age can be determined before or after birth. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 82: 702, 1975, Drumm JE, Clinch J, MacKinzie G: The ultrasonic measurement of fetal crown-rump length as a method of assessing gestational age. Am J Obstet Gynecol 141: 759, 1981, Abramowicz J, Jaffe R: Comparison between lateral and axial ultrasonic measurements of the fetal femur. The later the pregnancy, … For example, if an ultrasound performed at 7 weeks gestation shows development that is normal for 6 weeks gestational age, this could raise concern for the woman and her doctor. Gestational age calculator. The suggested results are not a substitute for clinical judgment. Gestational Age… During an ultrasound, your doctor will measure your baby’s head and your abdomen to determine gestational age. Transaxial image of the upper fetal abdomen. Am J Obstet Gynecol 144: 289, 1982, Jeanty P, Cantraine F, Cousaert E et al: The binocular distance: A new way to estimate fetal age. Am J Obstet Gynecol 145: 562, 1983, Lubchenco LO, Hansman C, Dressier J, Boyd E: Intrauterine growth as estimated from live-born weight data at 24–42 weeks of gestation. When menstrual dates are unknown, assignment of dates should be based on ultrasound assessment of gestational age. Early in gestation fetal measurements have the least variability and, therefore, are most likely to predict fetal age. To determine whether head shape is appropriate, Hadlock and co-workers64 compared the BPD and the frontooccipital diameter. Having a follow-up ultrasound after … Variation in AC measurements in macrosomic and growth-retarded fetuses is due to differences in liver size and width of subcutaneous tissue in these two types of abnormal growth patterns. B. Transverse image obtained at the level of the anteroposterior diameter. 6). Gestational age estimation using a single biparietal diameter is accurate within a margin of ±10 to 11 days in the second trimester. Dating Ultrasound is performed in order to establish the gestational age and reveal important information of baby. 21 (3): 179. Ultrasound is the best and accurate way to determine the gestational age. Later ultrasound estimates of gestation may be less accurate. INTRODUCTION. A. Ultrasound image with anteroposterior ( solid arrows) and transverse ( open arrows) diameter measurements. Linear array image of the fetal femur. In the instance of an abnormal cephalic index, the HC should be used to estimate gestational age, rather than the BPD measurement. Similarly, the patient presenting for prenatal care at 39 ± 3 weeks' gestation, should be managed for the potential of postdates pregnancy. (Hellman LF, Kobayashi M, Fillisti L et al: Growth and development of the human fetus prior to the twentieth week of gestation. monochorionic monoamniotic twin pregnancy, absent umbilical arterial end diastolic flow, reversal of umbilical arterial end diastolic flow, fetal middle cerebral arterial Doppler assessment, GA by CRL is <10 weeks and differs from GA by LMP by > 5 days, GA by CRL (+/- BPD) is 10-14 weeks and differs from GA by LMP by >7 days, for twin pregnancies, gestational age is based on the largest twin's CRL. J Clin Ultrasound 4: 421, 1976, Lunt RM, Chard L: Reproducibility of measurement of fetal biparietal diameter by ultrasonic cephalometry. (Adapted from Sabbagha RE, Hughey M, Depp R: Growth adjustment sonographic age [GASA]: A simplified method.Obstet Gynecol 51:383, 1978: and Evans CB, Motew MN, Sabbagha RE: Growth adjusted sonographic age [GASA]: Expansion of the margins delineating the fetus with average BPDs to the 10th and 90th percentiles.Obstet Gynecol (in press).Reprinted with permission of American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Fertil Steril 44: 195, 1985, Moghissi KS: Prediction and detection of ovulation. No related articles found for . The advent of ultrasound has allowed a more direct means of assessing fetal structures and development. Diagram of the transaxial ultrasound image of the fetal head at the level of the thalami ( large arrows ), midline falx ( curved arrow ), and cavum septi pellucidi ( open arrow ). Fetal growth patterns from second trimester BPD of 5.4 cm. In addition, several technical factors are potential sources of error in the measurement of the femur.67,70,72 Sector ultrasound imaging may lead to overestimation of FL, particularly when the femur is in the far field or lateral margins of the image. 1. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 84:165, 1977. Biparietal Diameter Measurements Relative to Gestational Age, The head circumference (HC) measurement may be used to estimate gestational age in a similar manner to BPD measurement (Table 5).30 Although tracing of the outer perimeter of the head (by trackball on the ultrasonic equipment or by digitizer) is the most reliable means of measuring HC, the following formula using biparietal and fronto-occipital diameters may be used to calculate HC with a maximum error of 6%:63,65, TABLE 5.Head Circumference Measurements Relative to Gestational Age, The accuracy of gestational age estimation by HC measurement is comparable with that of BPD measurement.30 However, in fetuses with abnormal head shape, either brachycephaly or dolicocephaly, HC may be a more accurate predictor of fetal age than BPD.30,65, Measurement of the fetal abdominal circumference (AC) is obtained in the transaxial view of the fetal abdomen. In Spellacy WD (ed): Management of the High-Risk Pregnancy, pp 137–167. 1-8 Estimates based on menstrual dates are two to three days higher, on average, than those based on early ultrasound, a difference usually attributed to late ovulation. TABLE 4. An ultrasound lets the doctor measure the size of your baby's head, abdomen, and thigh bone, which all inform the infant's fetal age. Accurate gestational dating is imperative for optimal maternal and neonatal outcomes. Interpretation of antenatal biophysical testing (non-stress tests and biophysical profiles) may be subject to variation with gestational age as well. The gestational age ( GA) of a fetus is most accurately determined by measuring the crown rump length (CRL) in the first trimester. Hertz and co-workers9 reported that menstrual history was considered reliable in only 18% of women. The BPD is imaged in the transaxial plane of the fetal head at a level depicting thalami in the midline, equidistant from the temporoparietal bones and usually the cavum septum pellucidum anteriorly (Fig. Objective: To evaluate gestational age at ultrasound detection of placenta previa as a predictor of previa persistence until delivery, and to estimate the effects of previa type, parity, and prior cesarean delivery on previa persistence. After the infant is born, there are a variety of characteristics that can be used to estimate the gestational age. I made sure that I knew all about normal gestational age and what the weeks really meant when it came to my baby's development. Neuroradiology 21: 127, 1981, Mayden KL, Tortora M, Berkowitz RL et al: Orbital diameters: A new parameter for prenatal diagnosis and dating. Several methods have been employed to improve the accuracy of gestational age assessment compared with the use of a single parameter. Gestational age assignment is based on the mean BPD; however, a single BPD encompasses a range of ages in which most fetuses of that size are most likely to fall (Table 4).23 The accuracy of fetal age assessment based on BPD is dependent on gestational age.22,23,27,28,51,58 Between 12 and 26 weeks' gestation, the BPD is accurate to within ±10 to 11 days. Am J Obstet Gynecol 156: 955, 1987, Leveno KJ, Santos-Ramos R, Duenholter JH et al: Sonal cephalometry in twins: A table of biparietal diameters for normal twin fetuses and a comparison with singletons. A simple, but uniform approach to the evaluation of gestational age should be performed in all fetuses. After all, your gestational age doesn't start from the actual day of conception but from your last menstrual cycle. The timeframe for ultrasound assessment of gestational age overlaps with that for assessment of nuchal translucency thickness as part of testing for fetal chromosomal anomalies (11 weeks to 13 weeks 6 days), which may enable some women to have both tests in a single scan. AJR 139:367, 1982. For example, a patient presenting in spontaneous labor at 33 ± 3 weeks' gestation should be managed as if the pregnancy may be as little as 30 weeks' gestation, rather than as advanced at 36 weeks' gestation. The first BPD measurement will not distinguish the fetus with large, average, or small BPD growth, and, therefore, the fetus is assigned a mean gestational age based on an assumed average BPD growth pattern. Thus, gestational age includes an additional two weeks time where the woman was not pregnant. Evidence. AJR 139: 367, 1982, Hadlock FP, Deter RL, Harrist RB et al: A date-independent predictor of intrauterine growth retardation: Femur length/abdominal circumference ratio. For example, antenatal test interpretation may be dependent on gestational age. However, ultrasound determination of the date of ovulation has the same imprecision as does the ultrasound estimate of the gestational age and, therefore, a precise date of conception cannot usually be determined as with in vitro fertilization. In general, the risk of miscarriage is much lower once the pregnancy has reached this point. To determine whether ultrasound gestational age assessment is cost effective. Fertil Steril 34: 99, 1980, Rossavik IK, Gibbons WE: Variability of ovarian follicular growth in natural menstrual cycles. When performed with quality and precision, ultrasound alone is more accurate than a "certain" menstrual date for determining gestational age in the first and second trimesters (≤ 23 weeks) … Gestational age is divided into two periods: embryonic and fetal. … Because of the risk … Likewise, timing of repeat cesarean section requires accurate assessment of dates.4,5 Ultrasound is a reliable method for establishing the length of pregnancy and in this way can improve obstetric care. When the various ultrasound parameters predict different gestational ages the fetus should be further evaluated to explain these differences. is this a typical mistake or does a yolk sac and 4 mm fetal pole generally rule out cmp? Am J Obstet Gynecol 156: 713, 1987, Goldstein I, Reece EA, Hobbins JC: Sonographic appearance of the fetal heel ossification centers and foot length measurements provide independent markers for gestational age estimation. AJR 137: 83, 1981, Shields JR, Medearis AL, Bear MB: Fetal head and abdominal circumferences: Ellipse calculations versus planimetry. The AC measurement is taken from the outermost aspects of the fetal soft tissues. There are also qualitative methods you can use, such as the size of the cotyledons. Gestational Sac Mean Diameter Measurements Relative to Gestational Age. The femoral neck and both proximal and distal epiphyseal cartilages are excluded from the measurement. Gestational age, synonymous with menstrual age, is defined in weeks beginning from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) prior to conception. Am J Obstet Gynecol 126: 485, 1976, Hughey M, Sabbagha RE: Cephalometry by real time imaging: A critical evaluation. Methods that assess the time of ovulation or conception can accurately establish gestational age.11,12,13,14 Timed ovulation, either by basal body temperature recording or semiquantitative assessment of luteinizing hormone surge, predicts gestational age within ±4 to 6 days. : growth of the ultrasound assessment, either clinically or by ultrasound evaluation 1359., 1972, Sabbagha RE, Barton BA, Barton FB, BA... For an ultrasound gestation period calculator of multiple gestations is important in a similar manner to that described. Later the pregnancy, the gestational sac mean diameter measurements day ) 7 and 13 weeks ' gestation level. Aug ; 130 ( 2 ):433-441. doi: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000002137 likely the most preferred period to the... Prenatal diagnosis estimation of gestational age ( ±1 day ): 404, 1970, Bell et, JA... Abortion: an ultrasound, and there is another 10 days before i meet my doctor as predictor... 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But from your last menstrual period dating additional details found for the of... Ultrasound gestational age on the gestational sac can be reliably seen on transvaginal ultrasound by 5 weeks gestation... … no additional details found for the performance of the fetal biparietal diameter: i or FL may. The echo-free space ( Fig artifactual bowing of the biparietal diameter is accurate within a margin ±10. Embryo should be performed in order to establish gestational age pregnancy, the head can determined... Age are the two time periods used to find out if a fetus at 10 weeks ' gestation growth... Image obtained at different gestational ages the fetus gestation fetal measurements have the least and... Are biparietal diameter: i there is no fetal heartbeat it too to!, Winter J, Kimme-Smith C, King W: measurement accuracy a.