Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, and neither is Tío Eduardo, and this information is not intended to be taken as medical advice. Thank you so much for your vote, Pia!! Aloe vera juice helps maintain smooth, radiant skin and promotes hair growth. Not a bad thing, right?! Check for yellow aloe latex and remove or rinse it from any of your one-inch square pieces of aloe gel. Another common consequence of treatments against this disease is these uncomfortable mucosal wounds, especially on the tongue, palate, gums, and lips. The comforting combo of watermelon and peach will make you smile all day. 3 // One of my favorite bloggers, Laura (of The First Mess) is writing a cookbook, and it’s finally on Amazon!! Aloe vera juice may have additional digestive benefits, such as reducing the incidence of stomach ulcers and improving digestion, according to research from 2014. The perfect dessert to make for 4th of July! In our 30s, I’ve been more prone to indigestion as my metabolism changes, and my husband sometimes struggles with acid reflux. Your email address will not be published. If a single leaf is $3 or more, it should be very large and heavy, otherwise check another store for a better price. Ps: just voted :P And I hope you have a beautiful week xx. :) Happy weekend to you too! It’s SO GOOD. Cancer fighting substance lycopene. The health-promoting properties of aloe vera juice boost the body’s immune system, especially when combined with acid, basil, and guillotine juice – an ideal compound to combat seasonal changes. Thanks Louisa! This may help in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (4). 4 // When I was a kid (in my pre-vegetarian days), I used to love jerky. Such a great idea! Once you’ve removed the first side of skin, score the gel into one-inch squares. Its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties can help treat gingivitis, plaque, and periodontitis. :) I don’t think I’ve ever actually had jerky! It is incredibly useful for killing off the pathogens that create colon cancer, stomach cancer, and rectal cancer, as well as eliminating H. pylori and supporting the pancreas. Watermelon popsicle on plate on white wooden table Perfect for the dog days of summer, these refreshing and hydrating watermelon aloe vera popsicles are low in sugar and a delightful treat. Also, aloe juice supplements sold in health food stores can be overpriced and are not really regulated closely by the FDA. Hope you have a great week as well :). If you’ve never tried ceramic knives before, I would HIGHLY recommend it!! Aloe vera juice is ideal for the liver because it’s hydrating and rich in phytonutrients. Another of the benefits of aloe vera for cancer. However, don’t forget about its side effects! There are lemonades and there are aloe lemonades. 5 // Vegan chai cheesecakes with chocolate drizzle. In Spanish, aloe vera is called “sábila” or “áloe,” and is sometimes misspelled as “sávila.” In Mexico, it’s most commonly referred to as “sábila.”. Aloe vera juice is said to help maintain healthy digestion, and can also help regulate blood sugar, reduce inflammation, reduce acne eruptions, as well as many other health benefits, and is a good addition for those who are conscious of an alkaline diet. STORING EXTRA ALOE GEL: Store any extra one-inch aloe gel cubes in a plastic zippered bag or an airtight container in the refrigerator and use within one week. Happy weekend! Interestingly, this herb can survive in extremely cold temperatures, rain-forests, and droughts as long as the aloe vera’s roots do not get damaged or drown. Aloe vera juice is touted as a panacea for a long list of ailments from acne to digestive issues, but research doesn’t back the claims. But do you know that aloe vera is also praised for its ability - You should check this out! OKF Watermelon and aloe Vera juice is light, refreshing and can help ease digestive ailments, as well as provide other health benefits. It'll still taste amazing! There’s just something about that word that always hit me. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Vitamins include A, C, E, and the B vitamins of B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12. Drooling. Because of Aloe Vera juice benefits, it has a wide range of applications. Thanks for sharing! Juice fresh watermelon through a juicer until you have 4 cups of juice (see recipe notes below if you need to use a blender instead of a juicer for modified steps). Balances Hormonal Problems I’m so blown away by how positive and supportive this online community is…. You can never have too much watermelon!! IT’S JUST PEACHY TO DRINK WATERMELON. RELATED RECIPE: Mexican-style carrot juice with lime and chile. By boosting circulation, this juice can prevent blood clotting and reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Green juice simply refers to a blend that is made with leaves, fruits and veggies that is green in colour. Thanks Jessie! I notice when I drink this juice a few times a week, my skin also stays remarkably clear and the only thing I need to do as a daily skincare routine is wash my face with a gentle cleanser and apply a little moisturizer. Many people mix the juice in their favourite smoothies or shakes. :D. Be warned, “information-that-no-one-asked-for” coming up: You had me at hope. Serve over ice immediately or store in refrigerator in an airtight container for up to 5 days. The most impressive benefits of aloe vera juice include reducing inflammation, speeding healing, stimulating digestion, detoxifying the body, boosting immunity, protecting the heart, increasing hydration, treating sunburn, soothing the skin, hair care, and relieving heartburn, among others. it really puts a huge smile on my face that people who I’ve never even met can be so kind and understanding and uplifting. Wash and dry the aloe leaf, then place it spike-side down on a cutting board. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Watermelon Aloe Juice First of all, I want to thank everyone who shared such kind sentiments on my last post , where I talked about some struggles I’ve been having recently. I usually prefer to try the natural route of changing out diet when it comes to digestive ailments rather than spending a lot of money and time on trying out OTC or prescription medications. Be sure to give your other favorite blogs a nomination, too – this is a big deal for us! This watermelon and aloe vera juice is light, refreshing and can help ease digestive ailments, as well as provide other health benefits. First of all, I want to thank everyone who shared such kind sentiments on my last post, where I talked about some struggles I’ve been having recently. Aloe leaves available in grocery stores are typically about 4-4.5 inches wide at the base, 22-24 inches long and about 1 inch thick. I'm Sarah. Paired together, they make the ultimate refreshing summer drink. Aloe Vera Juice is an easy and efficient way to improve digestion, remove toxins, lose weight and more. Be careful not to cut too much into the gel. It is purely anecdotal and our personal experience. I don’t know if I want to make these or your watermelon slushies first. I like to put cubed watermelon on a cocktail pick and put it in the freezer, then serve this juice with the pick on top like pictured so the person I serve it to can choose whether to use the watermelon chunks as ice cubes or eat them as a frozen little snack instead. In Mexico, as well as other countries in Latin America, aloe gel (also sometimes referred to as aloe crystal) is used externally for a variety of skin ailments as well as consumed for its curative health benefits, especially for stomach and digestive ailments. Hi there! I’m so excited for her!! Welcome to Well and Full, a recipe blog where I share my adventures in a plant-based kitchen! Aloe vera juice may also act as an efficient mouthwash without any side effects. 3. Certainly, I prefer to drink it on an empty stomach and undiluted, simply because when your stomach is empty of food, it is able to absorb all of the nutrients. This watermelon aloe juice is the perfect refreshing summer drink - and only takes minutes to throw together in your blender! It’s a bright flavor combination that satisfies as it refreshes. If you have known allergies or sensitivity to plants of the Liliaceae family, including onions, chives, leeks, asparagus and garlic, you should avoid consuming aloe before consulting your doctor. The latex in Aloe Vera juice can have strong laxative effect and may introduce water to the intestines, improving the bowel movement.That being said, a study evidenced that aloe vera juice may play a role in relieving chronic and acute constipation, when used in combination with other herbs (phsyllium and celandine) [4].. That vegan version looks amazing tho, would love to try it out xo, Thanks Maya! Edge the knife along the other side to remove the other green skin. I can’t stop eating watermelon. Your email address will not be published. Hope you had a stellar fourth girl – xx. It is also antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal (including anti-mold), and anti-parasitic (including anti-worm). Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Vegan chai cheesecakes with chocolate drizzle, simple 3-ingredient vegan vanilla ice cream. xoxo Janine, Looks so yummy and pretty, Sarah! <3 Hope you had a great weekend too! Thank you so much. I became vegetarian when I was 9, so I don’t think I ever tried it. It blows other knives out of the water! Have a good week Sarah :), Thanks Chelsey! I hope all of you have a safe and happy 4th of July!! Aloe Vera is one of the most popular plants in the world. Its antiviral properties can help heal oral infections as well. So, why not just make fresh aloe juice each time you want to drink it? In addition to the abdominal pain and extreme diarrhea this laxative might cause, ingesting aloe vera juice may also cause malabsorption of nutrients and medication and loss of electrolytes, specifically potassium. Aloe vera juice is marketed as a type of cleanse. 1 // It’s that time of year again – it’s the Saveur 2016 Blog Awards!! You all are so wonderful! If you’re not keen on reading labels or spending a lot for a fancy natural juice at a health food store, homemade is a better route to take so you know exactly what’s in your juice. Aloe vera has many proven health benefits when taken internally and combining them with watermelon … They’re delicious together :) Hope you like it, Nicole! Another absolutely delicious aloe vera juice recipe: 3 cups fresh watermelon; 1/2 cup aloe vera (peeled – use just the white gel) 1 inch ginger; Perfect for the summer months – as well as after a workout to give your body a huge dose of electrolytes and amino acids. Mexican-style carrot juice with lime and chile, https://theothersideofthetortilla.com/2014/07/watermelon-aloe-vera-juice-recipe/, 4 cups fresh watermelon juice (about 2 1/2 to 2 3/4 pounds of watermelon, freshly juiced, no sugar added), 1 fresh, whole aloe leaf, spikes and skin removed; aloe gel cut into one-inch square pieces (use 10-12 one-inch pieces and reserve the rest in an airtight container in the refrigerator for other use). It gets this reputation because it contains anthroquinine, which is a potent laxative. Cira Aloe Watermelon Strawberry Smartly infused, pleasantly sweet, and crimson. When poured, juice may separate, which is natural. <3 I hope you have a wonderful week as well! It also has been found to soothe chronic ulcers (3). Its topical application can relieve from superficial burns and … Wonderful Pictures by the way. Need to Keep that in mind. Though other forms of aloe vera may als… In addition, vitamin A wards off bacterial or viral threats. Here are just 13 benefits that are going to make an immediate impact on your body. Here’s Even More Goodness: Sweetened with cane sugar; Aloin-Free; Plant-based goodness; Real aloe vera juice & pulp – never from powder; Gluten-Free; Vegan; BPA-Free; NUTRITIONAL INFO I'm an award-winning food and travel blogger, recipe developer, and former journalist sharing my passion for all things Mexico. The benefits are going to improve your health more than you ever thought. Blend on high until aloe gel is completely liquified. Required fields are marked *, Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail, Hi, I'm Maura Hernández. They are touted to be excellent for detox, immunity and diet, but of course everything boils down to the ingredients used. Aloe vera juice can protect cardiovascular health in a number of ways. Aloe gel or crystal comes from the meat of the leaf, and is easy and inexpensive to extract yourself at home. Run a sharp knife under the green skin on one side until you remove it completely. I’m so blown away by how positive and supportive this online community is…. Welcome to my kitchen! Comer Sano/Eat Healthy, drinks, Recipe aloe vera, sábila, sandía, vegan, vegetarian, watermelon. What are the benefits of drinking aloe vera juice for diverticulitis What do phosphorus folic acid have in common Connect by text or video with a U.S. board-certified doctor now — wait time is less than 1 … Aloe Vera Juice helps prevent and treat mild constipation as it is a natural laxative. Aloe vera juice may cleanse the digestive tract. READ MORE, Copyright © 2020 The Other Side of the Tortilla on the Cravings Pro Theme, Watermelon and aloe vera juice (Jugo de sandia y sabila). Aloe juice is not intended to cure sudden, severe digestive pain. Bottled aloe vera juice sold in stores often has a lot of added ingredients—some of which you may not want to be consuming, including artificial colors or flavors. You made my day :) :) And I always love hearing what you have to say, you always leave the most thoughtful comments and it means a lot to me. Rich source of antioxidants beta-carotene and vitamin C. Fights inflammation. 7 // I’m not a huge ice cream fan, but this simple 3-ingredient vegan vanilla ice cream looks so creamy and refreshing! If you’ve enjoyed Well and Full over the past year, it would mean everything to me if you could give me a nomination for “Best New Voice”. 2 // I was sent this ceramic vegetable cleaver by Kyocera to review, and I can’t say enough positive things about it. ;), This looks so refreshing! Homemade aloe juice is both easy and inexpensive to make—a single large aloe vera leaf in the produce section of most grocery stores in the U.S. should cost between 99 cents and $2 or $3. But I just discovered this company that makes the most AMAZING vegan jerky. You know the feeling!? 6 // This cucumber vinaigrette by Jessie of Faring Well sounds seriously good. it really puts a huge smile on my face that people who I’ve never even met can be so kind and understanding and uplifting. Such a great idea for a healthy and refreshing Juice. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. I just inherited a large aloe plant—can’t wait to try making my own juice! Seriously, stop what you’re doing and try some of this stuff. The aloe vera thanks to its properties healing, restorative and regenerative becomes a perfect natural ally to deal with these wounds uncomfortable. Ingredients 4 cups fresh watermelon juice (about 2 1/2 to 2 3/4 pounds of watermelon, freshly juiced, no sugar added) I love both aloe and watermelon juice, but have never thought of combining them. If you use a blender, you'll need to add the watermelon and water to the blender, then strain through a fine mesh sieve to remove any pulp. So basically, no matter how many unjust, naive, and cruel people there may be, hold on to the hope that one day the world will be a better place. Scoring the gel first will make it easier to remove in pre-portioned chunks. Oh my, I can’t get enough watermelon juice right now. Aloe vera contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. If you don’t like to add ice, you can also substitute frozen chunks of watermelon to keep the juice cool while drinking it. It encourages gut bacteria and can help ease gastrointestinal disorders (2). Benefits Of Aloe Vera Gel And Juice – Amazing Usage Of Aloe Vera For Health And Beauty Aloe Vera is a hearty succulent herb that can grow in different climates. For constipation. If you're thinking about trying aloe vera juice, you should really look into it. Moreover, one of the most horrible things that can come to ears is someone saying there is no hope, or that they have given up on, or lost, hope. A few words about today’s recipe – this watermelon aloe juice was inspired by two of the most refreshing things ever – watermelon and aloe juice. Our Taste is our recognition Our Watermelon Aloe Vera drinks are sweetened with only a touch of pure sugar cane and naturally flavored with other natural flavors for a sensational taste. Sending hugs! Even though the benefits of Aloe Vera have been known for centuries, earlier it was mostly used for the treatment of wounds and cuts. In fact, aloe vera juice can actually be harmful to people with certain medical conditions. IF USING A BLENDER TO JUICE WATERMELON INSTEAD OF A JUICER MACHINE: Juicing watermelon is easiest with a juicer, but you can also use a blender to do it. Drinking aloe vera juice helps increase the water content in your intestines. High level amino acid citrulline, which may help reduce fat, weight loss and for men, erectile performance! The juice has laxative properties. 7 Powerful Benefits of Aloe Vera for Male Enhancement some of you might only know aloe vera as powerful natural ingredient for skin and hair. Recipe by Maura Hernandez 23 8 // Recipe throwback – Loving my Mango Cheesecake! If you experience discomfort, stop consuming aloe gel or aloe juice and consult your physician. I love it, and would dare to say that I have a very strong relation to it. This looks super thirst quenching and a perfect picnic treat. This watermelon and aloe vera juice is light, refreshing and can help ease digestive ailments, as well as provide other health benefits. You can wipe it off with a paper towel or rinse off with cool water. Copyright 2020 | Well and Full | All Rights Reserved. And thank you for the sweet recipe mention! If you notice that there’s any yellow ooze on the aloe gel from the skin, that’s aloe latex—which has laxative properties. And while I could probably write an entire essay on it all, I’m just going to say that one should never lose hope, regardless of how slim the chances may be. While vitamin A is helpful for building a strong immune system and enhancing bone growth, vitamin C protects against cardiovascular disease and cancer. This watermelon and aloe vera juice is light, refreshing and can help ease digestive ailments, as well as provide other health benefits. Married to a Chilango, I've traveled Mexico extensively over the last 14 years. If you have any kind of chronic medical condition such as diabetes, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or take prescription medications, consult your physician before adding aloe vera juice to your diet to make sure it’s right for you. Aloe Vera increases the water content in the intestines that helps digestion and movement of food down the digestive tract and movement of stool. Some even suggest that drinking aloe vera juice can boost the immune system due to its high vitamin content and hydrating effect. Delicious! Very light and with a wonderful taste. But the juice’s effectiveness is directly related to the ingredients used and the manufacturing process – so you want to choose the juice brand carefully.You’re probably familiar with the topical benefits of Aloe Vera. Health Benefits of Neem and Aloe Vera: This is good news for people with atheroscle… Used in lotions, […] Omg, how heavenly these look! Aloe vera gel is one of the main components of aloe vera juice, which has been known to lower blood sugar, reduce dental plaque and ease heartburn symptoms. Aloe Lemonade. My Tío Eduardo swears by homemade aloe vera juice for digestive ailments. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Aloe vera juice has many health benefits, is good for an alkaline diet and digestive ailments. Two such ingredients you could place your bet on are neem and aloe vera. Rinse the blender out before returning the filtered juice to blend with the aloe gel. Add watermelon and aloe juice to a blender, and blend until everything is combined. Using a sharp knife, cut along the edges of the leaf to remove the spikes, and cut off the bottom and top of the leaf. It gives me hope for the world, you know? Add 4 cups fresh watermelon juice to blender with 2 cups cold, filtered water, and 10-12 one-inch aloe gel cubes. Benefits of Watermelon: High water content and super hydrating. Either way, they’re gorgeous. 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