UW Medicine â South Lake Union . At the University of Wisconsin BerbeeWalsh Department of Emergency Medicine, we aim to prepare resident physicians for the future of healthcare. Seattle, WA 98109-4725 . As a part of an The Resident & Fellow Physician Union â Northwest (RFPU-NW) is the certified labor union and exclusive bargaining representative for the majority of residents and fellows in the UW School of Medicine (UW SOM) and in the UW School of Dentistry (UW SOD). UW GME Telehealth Training Policy . Scope: All residents and fellows participating in University of Washington graduate medical education (GME) training programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and Council on Dental Accreditation (CODA), Graduate Medical Education Policy 10/13/11, 11/08/12, 3/13/14, 9/9/16 Page 1 of 3 UW GME Visa Policy Scope: Foreign national physicians who require visa sponsorship in order to participate in a clinical training program at the University of Washington. RFPU-NW ⦠I. Applications with incomplete immunization documentation will not be approved. University of Washington Policy Directory. After approval Administrators, faculty, staff and students are expected to understand, stay continuously informed of and abide by the policies, requirements, procedures and guidelines that impact their programs and responsibilities. Graduate Medical Education Policy 10/13/11, 2/9/12, 10/11/12, 2/19/13 , 7/9/13 Page 2 of 2 The GME Office will contact trainees if needed, to verify the training site where a meal was purchased (e.g., if scheduled at multiple sites); requested information due to GME Office within one week. To support these goals, programs must comply with certain relevant UW GME policies and procedures. We believe in supporting exceptional achievement through unparalleled investment in resident education, training, and post-graduation appointments within both academic and community settings. University of Washington School of Medicine Effective: 9/12/2019 Graduate Medical Education Policy Page 1 of 2 . Administrative Policy Statements (APS) Board of Regents Governance (BRG)* Employment and Administrative Policies (EAP)* Faculty Code and Governance (FCG)* Presidential Orders (PO)* Student Governance and Policies (SGP)* Washington Administrative Code: Title 478 WAC - UW Rules (WAC) Scope: Residents and fellows participating in University of Washington (UW) graduate medical education (GME) training programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate This includes all residents and Policies, requirements, procedures and guidelines and other student information resources are updated regularly. ... and to abide by UW GME policies and procedures, as well as the conditions and general responsibilities outlined below. Graduate Medical Education Policy 3/2/10, 1/13/11, 6/4/12, 5/9/19 Page 1 of 3 . Self-reported vaccine history will not be accepted, it must be official documentation from a healthcare provider/facility. Licensing Policy . Please allow up to two weeks for processing. 850 Republican St., Box 358047 . UW GME Policy: A policy that affects all UWSOM-sponsored GME programs, and/or is necessary to ensure overall compliance with ACGME, CODA, American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), University, UW Medicine or UWSOM policies, rules, and/or The Office of Graduate Medical Education and all accredited post-graduate medical and dental training programs (i.e., residency or fellowship) and non-accredited clinical fellowship programs at the University of Washington. Scan and email or fax the completed form to the Medical Directorâs Office at meddirec@uw.edu / (fax) 206.744.4422. University of Washington School of Medicine Effective: 4/17/14; Revised 10/5/17 Graduate Medical Education Policy Page 4 of 4 . UW Graduate Medical Education Office . Observers are required to comply with all UW Medical Center immunization policies and procedures.