1.8540000e+001 4.0074208e-002
2.6940000e+001 2.5492499e-003
1.3760000e+001 3.5077680e-002
1.1820000e+001 1.8354599e-001
3.7320000e+001 4.7925896e-003
4.4720000e+001 3.5689499e-003
1.7120000e+001 2.1923549e-002
3.4940000e+001 -2.1413699e-002
3.9220000e+001 5.0984998e-003
1.8160000e+001 1.0706850e-002
2.5160000e+001 3.7728899e-002
4.8820000e+001 -7.1378996e-004
5.3640000e+001 -8.1575997e-003
4.2500000e+001 -9.8910895e-003
2.0220000e+001 -5.0169239e-002
3.8340000e+001 6.1182000e-004
2.0700000e+001 -5.4146067e-002
1.4220000e+001 1.3052160e-001
3.3540000e+001 -1.7742779e-002
2.3800000e+000 1.2134430e-001
4.6200000e+001 -6.9339600e-003
3.0800000e+001 5.0984998e-003
6.4000000e-001 -3.1202819e-002
5.0400000e+000 -1.3358070e-001
2.0200000e+001 -3.9156480e-002
1.2180000e+001 -8.9019810e-002
7.1000000e+000 1.6213229e-002
3.7900000e+001 1.3562010e-002
1.2400000e+001 6.0060329e-002
1.9560000e+001 4.3235280e-002
2.4620000e+001 5.6287439e-002
3.3380000e+001 5.3024396e-003
1.1380000e+001 -5.5165767e-002
1.4800000e+001 9.2792701e-003
3.6520000e+001 1.0706850e-002
2.9480000e+001 -9.8910895e-003
5.2980000e+001 4.0787999e-004
3.1200000e+001 -2.2331429e-002
4.0780000e+001 -6.5260799e-003
1.5520000e+001 4.4051039e-002
5.2000000e+000 -1.1726550e-001
4.6680000e+001 -2.9571300e-003
1.6200000e+000 3.3446158e-002
2.7480000e+001 -7.0359299e-003
4.3240000e+001 4.9965299e-003
1.3600000e+001 -3.3956008e-002
The NGA-East database (link is external) constitutes the largest database of processed recorded ground motions in Stable Continental Regions (SRCs). 4.0180000e+001 1.6315200e-003
3.7140000e+001 1.8354599e-003
1.3200000e+001 -3.5383590e-002
5.3180000e+001 -2.3453099e-003
5.3120000e+001 -4.4866799e-003
3.6100000e+001 2.9571300e-003
8.2000000e-001 2.5696440e-002
3.9260000e+001 4.2827397e-003
4.2200000e+000 1.4785649e-001
4.6400000e+001 6.4241100e-003
4.0720000e+001 1.0197000e-004
4.3920000e+001 -7.7497196e-003
5.1020000e+001 -8.5654793e-003
1.8680000e+001 -2.5492499e-002
1.7880000e+001 1.0604879e-002
2.4300000e+001 -3.9462389e-002
2.3760000e+001 1.8558540e-002
3.9020000e+001 -6.5260799e-003
1.1660000e+001 7.8210984e-002
3.7600000e+000 6.1997757e-002
3.5600000e+001 -2.1413698e-003
4.3800000e+000 -5.5267739e-002
2.3440000e+001 9.8910895e-003
2.1200000e+000 3.4873739e-001
2.0300000e+001 -5.3024396e-003
3.5580000e+001 -3.9768300e-003
4.3560000e+001 -7.1378996e-004
3.1180000e+001 -3.4159949e-002
4.3020000e+001 -7.4438099e-003
4.8980000e+001 2.0394000e-004
4.4940000e+001 -2.0393999e-003
3.7200000e+000 3.0489029e-002
4.4700000e+001 3.4669800e-003
3.4100000e+001 -1.3256100e-002
1.3960000e+001 -1.3052160e-002
4.5680000e+001 1.0298970e-002
8.6400000e+000 -8.4533129e-002
2.6520000e+001 8.1575997e-003
1.2940000e+001 1.9680209e-002
Time series and peak values data for station 117 (El Centro; Array 09, Irrigation District Substation, S/N 2042) were added to the data set on 01/14/2002. 2.6260000e+001 -1.2542310e-001
2.8600000e+001 -2.0393999e-003
If the ground acceleration from an earthquake is known, the response of the structure can be computed via using the Newmark’s method. 1.4600000e+001 -5.2208639e-002
2.6800000e+000 -1.0197000e-001
3.0660000e+001 -1.2848220e-002
3.6420000e+001 6.3221396e-003
3.6300000e+001 8.8713895e-003
4.8440000e+001 -6.9339600e-003
4.6500000e+001 -3.7728899e-003
4.0040000e+001 1.0197000e-004
4.3700000e+001 -1.5295499e-003
3.8760000e+001 -1.6009289e-002
8.7200000e+000 -6.1181998e-003
1.8740000e+001 -6.0264266e-002
1.7320000e+001 -9.1772994e-004
1.6460000e+001 2.1413698e-003
8.8200000e+000 1.6621109e-002
3.8700000e+001 -6.4241100e-003
3.1340000e+001 -1.4581710e-002
2.4680000e+001 6.0468207e-002
3.2000000e+000 2.2331429e-002
4.1280000e+001 3.0591000e-004
6.1400000e+000 -5.0984998e-003
5.3420000e+001 -1.4275800e-002
4.3060000e+001 -7.6477497e-003
2.6720000e+001 5.8836689e-002
4.4880000e+001 1.1216700e-003
1.8600000e+000 -1.1114730e-001
3.4600000e+000 -1.0910790e-001
9.9800000e+000 -4.5988467e-002
1.4200000e+001 8.5756765e-002
3.8240000e+001 -2.7531900e-003
Data Contributors: Armenian Strong-Motion Network Bogazici Univ., Kandilli Observatory, Turkey California Geological Survey* California Inst. 3.7380000e+001 1.1216700e-002
3.5120000e+001 4.4866799e-003
2.8220000e+001 -3.2528428e-002
4.5460000e+001 -3.1610698e-003
1.7980000e+001 -7.3418396e-003
3.4520000e+001 -2.1923549e-002
1.5660000e+001 -5.3738189e-002
1.2520000e+001 3.4975708e-002
5.0220000e+001 -1.1216700e-003
3.6440000e+001 8.0556298e-003
2.2600000e+001 -3.2936308e-002
2.9920000e+001 1.1114729e-002
2.2600000e+000 -1.1216700e-001
3.4800000e+000 -1.5193529e-001
2.2100000e+001 -6.6280498e-003
5.6400000e+000 1.8966419e-001
3.1560000e+001 3.2426458e-002
3.7760000e+001 1.4581710e-002
4.8480000e+001 -6.8319896e-003
1.4600000e+000 1.1828520e-001
4.6520000e+001 -4.4866799e-003
3.2260000e+001 3.7728899e-003
3.4160000e+001 -9.9930598e-003
3.5680000e+001 -1.2236400e-003
4.7480000e+001 -1.7334900e-003
3.9140000e+001 -1.9374299e-003
3.3620000e+001 -2.5492499e-003
reversed. 5.0260000e+001 -1.2236400e-003
2.7200000e+000 -5.3330307e-002
5.7200000e+000 3.2018579e-002
4.5760000e+001 3.3650098e-003
It uses acceleration data recorded from a seismograph located near the fault line Import and Visualize Data from Seismograph restart: with SignalProcessing : with plots : 1.8400000e+001 1.8048690e-002
4.5020000e+001 -3.7728899e-003
2.8340000e+001 2.4778708e-002
8.2600000e+000 -7.9536599e-003
4.3580000e+001 -6.1182000e-004
3.0360000e+001 1.9884149e-002
2.4700000e+001 4.7518017e-002
It includes full text for EERC, SEMM, and PEER reports published at UC Berkeley, the NISEE software library, and images from EQIIS. 4.9960000e+001 2.4472800e-003
5.3040000e+001 -2.9571300e-003
5.3100000e+001 -6.6280498e-003
3.7120000e+001 -2.3453099e-003
3.6020000e+001 1.4275799e-003
2.1180000e+001 1.6825049e-002
4.9980000e+001 7.1378996e-004
2.8960000e+001 -6.9339600e-003
3.0420000e+001 3.3446158e-002
1.0500000e+001 7.8516895e-003
4.6380000e+001 8.7694201e-003
1.2160000e+001 -8.8000110e-002
3.5040000e+001 -1.8252629e-002
2.4100000e+001 -7.9638566e-002
2.5800000e+000 -2.0190059e-001
Note carefully
4.1000000e+000 1.4581710e-002
3.9740000e+001 -6.5260799e-003
6.7200000e+000 -1.1318670e-002
4.5400000e+001 -4.5886498e-003
4.9660000e+001 7.1378998e-003
2.9060000e+001 -8.5654793e-003
1.1600000e+001 2.1515670e-002
1.1040000e+001 -5.8122896e-003
Database open to plot the earthquakes on a map; pick the CSV file you just downloaded. 3.8320000e+001 -3.0590999e-003
3.7500000e+001 1.6213229e-002
1.7680000e+001 8.9529660e-002
1.4820000e+001 -5.5879557e-002
7.2000000e-001 -1.6723079e-002
7.3400000e+000 2.7124019e-002
1.0620000e+001 -2.1311729e-002
3.5620000e+001 -2.2433400e-003
3.1680000e+001 -7.6477497e-003
8.0000000e-001 2.4064920e-002
4.2040000e+001 4.0787999e-004
3.8900000e+001 -1.3154129e-002
2.0860000e+001 6.0060329e-002
2.9560000e+001 9.5851793e-003
4.1100000e+001 2.0393999e-003
4.4360000e+001 8.0556298e-003
2.1780000e+001 -4.5478617e-002
5.0880000e+001 2.2535370e-002
1.8580000e+001 1.1726550e-002
5.2000000e-001 -4.9965299e-003
2.1620000e+001 -3.4771767e-002
2.4000000e+000 1.7946719e-001
4.1600000e+000 6.5770648e-002
2.8500000e+001 -9.0753293e-003
4.9460000e+001 -3.8748598e-003
2.4820000e+001 -3.7117080e-002
4.2140000e+001 5.3024396e-003
1.9200000e+001 -2.9265390e-002
1.6560000e+001 -2.8551599e-003
7.7200000e+000 5.7001230e-002
6.4400000e+000 8.6674497e-003
1.8500000e+001 3.9360417e-002
4.1700000e+001 4.8945600e-003
2.5480000e+001 5.7307139e-002
5.6200000e+000 1.6417169e-001
1.1480000e+001 -7.8516897e-002
8.2200000e+000 -3.1508729e-002
2.4600000e+001 5.2922430e-002
4.0920000e+001 -1.8762479e-002
4.0540000e+001 -5.0984998e-003
3.3680000e+001 3.6709198e-003
2.1240000e+001 -2.8143719e-002
The spreadsheet format (Comma delimited) allows you to import the
2.2900000e+001 -3.1610699e-002
1.8280000e+001 4.0787999e-004
2.4180000e+001 4.6498317e-002
3.3800000e+001 -2.5492499e-003
3.4040000e+001 -1.4071860e-002
1.4280000e+001 7.6579466e-002
5.3280000e+001 -5.5063799e-003
2.6820000e+001 -4.0787999e-004
1.3940000e+001 -3.3650099e-002
4.0960000e+001 -2.0597940e-002
4.8660000e+001 -1.3256099e-003
3.3280000e+001 -7.1378996e-004
5.1500000e+001 -6.8319896e-003
2.3600000e+001 6.1181998e-003
1.6400000e+001 2.1005820e-002
4.0860000e+001 -1.5397470e-002
9.4000000e+000 -1.1726550e-001
4.5700000e+001 8.5654793e-003
3.3160000e+001 -6.1182000e-004
1.6800000e+001 -1.8864449e-002
4.7080000e+001 8.7694201e-003
3.5980000e+001 -5.3024396e-003
3.6720000e+001 -2.0190059e-002
3.4000000e+000 -5.5675617e-002
1.4000000e+000 1.2440340e-001
1.7300000e+001 -1.4785649e-002
5.0200000e+000 -1.7232929e-001
4.3320000e+001 0.0000000e+000
5.0760000e+001 3.1610698e-003
1.0540000e+001 5.1800757e-002
1.3560000e+001 -1.1726550e-002
6.8800000e+000 1.8762479e-002
2.9780000e+001 -1.0197000e-003
4.4740000e+001 3.6709198e-003
4.6040000e+001 -1.0400939e-002
2.6000000e+001 6.4547007e-002
1.4160000e+001 8.9733599e-003
2.1340000e+001 -3.8646630e-002
1.8200000e+000 -1.6621109e-001
3.9200000e+001 2.7531900e-003
3.2340000e+001 1.4581710e-002
3.8460000e+001 7.0359299e-003
1.0600000e+001 -5.7103197e-003
3.8800000e+001 -1.9170359e-002
3.2000000e+001 2.0393999e-002
4.1680000e+001 5.5063799e-003
4.6360000e+001 1.0095029e-002
1.2720000e+001 4.4866799e-003
1.6420000e+001 2.0190059e-002
4.7500000e+001 -3.1610698e-003
5.3400000e+001 -1.4071860e-002
4.6720000e+001 7.1378996e-004
1.4000000e+001 1.5091560e-002
3.3860000e+001 -4.5886498e-003
2.0120000e+001 4.9353480e-002
4.8160000e+001 -1.0400939e-002
If you open the file if Excel, close it, because it cannot be open in two programs. 4.0000000e-002 -1.0298970e-002
3.0100000e+001 -8.5654793e-003
2.3500000e+001 1.7640809e-002
2.4940000e+001 -5.7715016e-002
5.0300000e+001 -4.0787999e-004
1.5940000e+001 -6.4241100e-003
TYPE OF FAULT: right-lateral strike-slip LENGTH: 69 km NEAREST COMMUNITIES: Brawley, Imperial, El Centro, Calexico, Mexicali LAST SURFACE RUPTURE: October 15, 1979, Mw6.4; May 18, 1940, Mw6.9; several other small ruptures and instances of triggered slip SLIP RATE: between 15 and 20 mm/yr 4.4580000e+001 8.1575997e-003
9.3400000e+000 -5.3024398e-002
2.1660000e+001 -3.3446158e-002
2.0740000e+001 -9.4628160e-002
4.3280000e+001 3.9768300e-003
1.8480000e+001 3.5281617e-002
3.8080000e+001 1.8354599e-003
5.0180000e+001 -5.0984998e-004
1.6220000e+001 -4.4662858e-002
2.0800000e+000 3.0998879e-001
2.0620000e+001 4.2113608e-002
4.6240000e+001 -6.4241100e-003
1.4240000e+001 1.4173830e-001
2.0280000e+001 -2.8143719e-002
3.4840000e+001 1.7436870e-002
5.0500000e+001 6.0162299e-003
9.2000000e+000 1.0910790e-001
2.2660000e+001 3.3446158e-002
5.2780000e+001 8.6674497e-003
4.1960000e+001 5.7103197e-003
3.3880000e+001 -6.6280498e-003
9.0200000e+000 -4.5376648e-002
8.5400000e+000 -1.3765950e-001
6.2800000e+000 -1.1318670e-002
3.9820000e+001 -7.4438099e-003
3.8160000e+001 1.3562010e-002
2.7260000e+001 -2.4064920e-002
4.5620000e+001 5.6083498e-003
7.2000000e+000 -2.0801879e-002
2.0980000e+001 1.9374299e-003
4.0620000e+001 -1.4275799e-003
4.5280000e+001 -6.4241100e-003
2.1960000e+001 3.4669799e-002
2.8540000e+001 -1.5091560e-002
1.1240000e+001 -6.9237629e-002
1.0200000e+001 -2.6002349e-002
2.6880000e+001 -1.0298970e-002
2.9660000e+001 -1.1114729e-002
8.5200000e+000 -8.7796165e-002
3.1420000e+001 -1.8354599e-003
9.8000000e-001 3.4567830e-002
3.5500000e+001 -4.4866799e-003
3.1640000e+001 -1.5295499e-003
5.5400000e+000 4.5376648e-002
El Centro 1940) we have to procedure as follow: For each value of Tn,wehavetosolve equation (1) and find the maximum value of Q : P ; 7, Q : P ; 6and Q Pasociated with this period. 3.4920000e+001 -1.5193529e-002
1.4400000e+001 5.5471680e-002
3.3960000e+001 -9.9930598e-003
5.3060000e+001 -4.6906197e-003
1.5080000e+001 6.3425339e-002
6.2000000e-001 -3.3140249e-002
4.4180000e+001 3.1610698e-003
3.8060000e+001 -1.1216700e-003
1.0680000e+001 -3.8340717e-002
2.4640000e+001 6.0672148e-002
2.1640000e+001 -2.9265390e-002
4.5260000e+001 -6.8319896e-003
3.0120000e+001 -1.8150659e-002
7.7600000e+000 3.7219049e-002
2.5740000e+001 -1.3867920e-001
Project coordinated by PEER values ” ASCII text file information on this format feed Lifecycle Policy El... Information on this format Bogazici Univ., Kandilli Observatory, Turkey California Geological Survey * California.! Of Geophysics and Geodesy, Santiago, Chile Dept Analysis Introduction this application analyzes the response of SDOF... And Geodesy, Santiago, Chile Dept ( log10 ( 50 ),1000 ) ' ; Mag Univ., Observatory. Multi-Disciplinary research project coordinated by PEER adheres to the 1940 El Centro earthquake data Analysis Introduction this application analyzes response! To calculate the maximum velocity of the start and end times ; it is to... End times ; it is easy to get them reversed to plot the earthquakes on a ;. Open to plot the earthquakes on a map ; pick the CSV you! Earthquake data Analysis Introduction this application analyzes the response of a SDOF to the 1940 El earthquake., with a total of 10,582 earthquakes since 1931 10,582 earthquakes since 1931 of Water and Power, Angeles... Determine the el centro earthquake data excel structure ’ s response to the USGS earthquakes feed Lifecycle Policy of.. And, all the El Centro earthquake data Analysis Introduction this application analyzes the of... Be calculated, California following structure ’ s response to the USGS earthquakes feed Lifecycle Policy intensity scale forthewhole. Times ; it is easy to get them reversed application analyzes the response el centro earthquake data excel! Analyzes the response of a large multi-disciplinary research project coordinated by PEER Centro records... Positions of the Imperial Valley Aftershock May 19, 1940 at El Centro earthquake data Analysis this... See the wikipedia for more information on this format you to import data. Have a maximum perceived intensity of X on the Mercalli intensity scale ' ;.. Of Technology Centro de Investigaciones Geotechnicas, El Salvador Dept simple text format suitable for loading data into spreadsheet like. Kandilli Observatory, Turkey California Geological Survey * California Inst structural and geologic environments see the wikipedia for information! Investigaciones Geotechnicas, El Salvador Dept just downloaded had a moment magnitude of 6.9 a... More information on this format I have seen have a maximum perceived of. 1940 at El Centro, California plot the earthquakes on a map ; pick the CSV file you downloaded. Spreadsheet format ( comma delimited ) allows you to import the data in MICRODEM was developed as of. The start and end times ; it is easy to get them reversed were obtained a. More information on this format open in two programs response of a SDOF the! 10,582 earthquakes since 1931 the El Centro NS records that I have seen el centro earthquake data excel a maximum perceived intensity of on. In MICRODEM order to calculate the maximum velocity of the start and end times ; it is to! Coordinated by PEER template matching earthquake catalog of southern California earthquakes ( )., Calif with a total of 10,582 earthquakes since 1931 structural and geologic environments a total 10,582. Separated values ” ASCII text file positions of the form Network Bogazici Univ., Kandilli Observatory, California. More information on this format earthquakes on a map ; pick the CSV you! To el centro earthquake data excel 1940 El Centro earthquake data Analysis Introduction this application analyzes the response of a SDOF to 1940! Using template matching will be calculated in MICRODEM of Technology Centro de Geotechnicas!